Velcro doesn't want you to call it 'velcro' anymore

Nope. Neither was Tang. Better ICBMs were, though.

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I had it wrong. I thought that once your brand had achieved band-aid status, that would be considered a good thing.


Or Heroin. Really. It was a brand name of Bayer. They marketed it as a better version of morphine.


Fuck them. I’m going to name my dog velcro now.


cc @aethercowboy @Grey_Devil

Quick, jump on the jet skis to get here. cover things in bubble wrap for safety. Wear a onesie for maximum comfort. We can hop in the jacuzzi when you get here. I’ll have something in the crock pot. I’ll keep my zamboni parked in the garage, we won’t need it. But bring chapstick just in case. I have plenty of fluffernutters and popsicles to snack on. We can go rollerblading later. I have scotch tape, sharpies, x-acto knives, post-its, styrafoam, and white out in tupperware containers for some arts and crafts later. Don’t be late or I may taser you! I’ll empty the dumpster before you get here. I have a plexi-glass ouija board, frisbees, hula hoops, and a slip n’ slide we can play all day long, it will be fun! My counter tops are made of formica, so don’t leave anything hot on them. It might get cold, bring a wind breaker, and maybe a stetson if you are feeling cowboyish. This is getting to be a bit much to remember…I’ll make a powerpoint.

For anyone not understanding any of the references above…google it.



Screw it, from now on I’ll use Scotch Tape.

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In Germany we call it “Klettverschluss” = “bur fastener” .


This discussion is going in the Crapper. If someone read this they’d think we were on Heroin or Coke. If we could just Teflon coat this thread perhaps we can get this moving along rather than stay focused on these puns with a Laser like precision.


I just recently read about the origin of the name “Scotch” for tape. When it was invented, “Scotch” was a racist pejorative for “stingy”; the implication was that fixing things with transparent tape was a way to save money and be frugal.


I Can’t Believe It’s Not Velcro ©®™


Hell no I won’t stop saying velcro. I don’t give a shit about their brand, and why would I?


Say hi to Kleenex and Q-tip in the land of lost trademarks

Wow, velcro is clearly overpriced.


I like the generic Velcro at walmart.its a quarter of the price and just as good.


Generally depends on the use case, i’ve used some really shitty velcro in the past that did not hold up well over time. On the far end of the spectrum you have military grade velcro which is pretty fantastic but overkill. I tend to prefer something in the middle unless its for something that i will rarely use then it can be the shitty kind.


the implication was that the 3M executives needed to put more adhesive on it. They were the stingy ones. He was calling them Scots. As a Scot, I don’t see it as a pejorative. It’s bigoted sure, but not prejudiced against anyone.

Yup, there’s a lot of various origin stories regarding it. One is that it was a joke on his bosses, another is that the inventor was demonstrating it to someone and using less tape than they expected (since it was stickier than normal tape) and they accused him of being “scotch” with his tape. I’m half-Scot myself and just think it’s interesting that it was named after a dated bigoted term that’s virtually unknown and unused these days.

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I learned it from my Arnie, and in her accent! It’s one of those things that maybe other people aren’t supposed to call us?

Still is in Germany.

It is of course also why Scrooge McDuck is nominally Scottish.

Note: I agree with @One_Brown_Mouse, it’s not usually meant to be pejorative these days. Still kinda is though.


I’m guessing it’s far more well-known in the UK than the States. I doubt many Americans think of Scots as being inherently stingy/greedy; they don’t see Uncle Scrooge and think “oh, haha, I get it! It’s funny because he’s Scottish and has a building full of money he never spends!”. (@L0ki beat me to it)