Vice suggests Millennial video game enthusiasts suck it up and admit they are old

As in all things I suspect this ignores the whole “millennials don’t have money” thing. Millennials work more hours, take less time off, and get less out of it than previous generations. And not for the popularly assumed ruin everything reasons of being workaholics who hate fun and worship avocados. Its fairly well established that millennials actually have less free time than Gen-Xers do currently, or did at a similar point in their lives.

And that’s before you get to the obvious fact that a teenager requires less of your time than a toddler or infant. And a younger group of people is going to tend towards having younger kids.

Now pardon me while I return to destroying the market for bar soap; shopping malls; and all inclusive, prepackaged tours of well tread tourist destinations.


Yeah, my skills at playing Moria have gone down a wee bit, but still… roguelike FTW!

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What is all the hubbub, bub? Gen X is doing just fine playing video games while it appears some Millennials are unable to keep up with the kids.

We Gen Xers are just being what older generations always claimed we were: slackers. We also didn’t have helicopter parents hovering over us, promising that if we did all the right things our standard of living would exceed theirs – we were latchkey kids who knew we were screwed. So yeah, we’ll stick with video games.


Oh hell no. You did not just disparage shuffleboard (not that stupid table-top junk; the real version with the sticks and 25’ of concrete).

If they didn’t have a shuffleboard court at my grandparents condo down in FL, I’d have to sit inside a smoke filled room while the grown ups played pinochle. Instead, my sisters and I got to build ramps, traps, and new ways to launch the pucks. Man, I miss that game…


I’m having fun with The Outer Worlds at the moment, and the beauty of that game is there are no trash talking twelve-year-olds to be seen.


I’m one of those weirdos that can’t stand inverted look for camera controls (and a hearty fuck you to FFXII which decided it would be a great idea to insert both the X and Y controls with no way to change it), but can’t play anything involving flight controls without it. I guess mentally I expect the camera to move in the direction that I press the button, while if I’m controlling something that flies I’m expecting it to control inverted like a flight stick.

At least most games these days are flexible enough to allow you to customize camera controls separately from game controls.


I’m sure someone would be happy to mod that into the game for you as an NPC


I just started The Outer Worlds, and I will never play an MMO again. I forgot how nice it is to be in my own little world, without players all around reminding me that we’re in a game and that I’m not special. What’s the fun of a game if you’re not The Chosen One? Plus I am not going to live without instant ‘pause’. And Obsidian is nice enough to help me out with shooting, cause I suck at it.


Gen-Xer, reporting in. I have never been good at video games and I can count the ones I’ve played to completion on one hand. Hasn’t stopped me from enjoying video games immensely for basically my whole life though.


Nah, I’m good. Also I’m playing on a console, so I doubt I’ll get access to mods.


As a non-gamer, I don’t completely understand this post and the vast majority of the comments have gone over my head. As a Gen-Xer, I’ve been anticipating the moment somebody calls a Millenial “old.” Does this mean I need to buy some Werther’s Originals? Should I shout at kids to get off my lawn? Do I even have a lawn? And why the hell has nobody responded to my Usenet post?


I will never forgive EA for turning Bioware into an MMO studio.

I should make time to try The Outer Worlds. Sounds great, and Obsidian has a good track record…



So I tied an onion to my Wiimote, which was the style at the time.


Now let’s talk about rust proofing. These Colecos will rust up on ya like that!

/owned a Coleco


And the dialogue is so fun! Really contrasts with the duller writing in Fallout 4 (not even addressing “76,” which I won’t play). Highly recommended.


Or when everybody’s the “chosen one” completing the same quests. :sleeping: On the other hand, I do like when games can avoid the “chosen one” trope (and associated prophecies, and especially the phrase itself)!



Best game this year


I got pwned by my 10-year old Granddaughter in the Untitled Goose Game and I’m sort of okay with that.


Bowling and Table Hockey are my games. There’s nothing like being in the same room as your opponent and talking trash to their faces (in a good way).