I know the perfect workplace for you! Contact @andy_hilmer for more details.
as cryptographic hash function suspicious since quite a few years but finally they efffectively broke it and calculated a collision. this will make it much easier to get the ressources to throw this outdated algorithm out of every system
And now to figure out what the hell is still using it.
I heard this reported by a news outlet today as: “Google and a Dutch institution break cryptography, one of the building blocks of the Internet.” I winced a little bit.
Git does…
This sounds like utter fantasy.
Oh, Deer Lord, if this happens, I will be forced to watch a show I have hated my entire life!
[ducks back out of room before shots are fired.]
Does the deer lord have human heads mounted on his wall?
Apparently my bosses at my internship are really happy with my work and want to hire me on, at least part time, before I graduate.
They’ve had chemical research interns before, and apparently none of them have really impressed. I’ve seen some of their lab notebooks and the work seemed diligent enough, so I don’t know what I’m doing differently. I suspect that it’s partly because my knowledge of chemistry and engineering is a little broader than most because I used to have to do a lot of research for my blog (which I hate to call defunct, but I have no idea when I can find time for it these days.) Most of my classmates also have zero interest in engineering, which is fair enough, but gives me an edge.
It came at a good time. I’ve been feeling incompetent and like I shouldn’t bother asking professors for letters of rec. I still kind of feel that way, but maybe I’m better at this chemistry thing than I thought?
(Also, most of us measure ourselves against higher standards than we do others, so I wouldn’t be surprised if a corrolary of that is happening here and your perception of your work is indeed lower than the reality. It’s quite common.)
Either way, Congratulations again!
You called?
I did.
I’ve been asked out on a fourth date. I asked her for the first three. Well howdy do.
This is the one where she harvests your kidneys, right?
If so she will be disappointed, I believe I had that date twice already, elsewhere
Wow. No kidney?
I assumed he meant my metaphoric kidneys. I had my 2nd chakra removed as well, right around the time I developed a tolerance to iocaine powder.
Well, now that ‘literal’ means the same as ‘figurative’, who can tell? It’s madness, I say - madness!
Oh, and congratulations!
alt-kidneys. I blame the weather.
That Ranieri decision looks better today.
Although it was a game at home for the first time in what seems like forever.