source was updated with the rebuttals Jul 16, after yours (Jul 06),
and later on they state "Cloth masks are ineffective as source control " even though they support. Supporting doesn’t mean they work.
source was updated with the rebuttals Jul 16, after yours (Jul 06),
and later on they state "Cloth masks are ineffective as source control " even though they support. Supporting doesn’t mean they work.
But since they still recommend wearing masks, the rest is a lot of pointless meh. Parachutes aren’t 100% effective either, care to jump out of a plane without one?
in the conclusion they state "Cloth masks are ineffective as source control " Supporting something doesn’t means it works.
I quoted their summation. Here, I’ll do it again:
In summary, though we support mask wearing by the general public , we continue to conclude that cloth masks and face coverings are likely to have limited impact on lowering COVID-19 transmission, because they have minimal ability to prevent the emission of small particles, offer limited personal protection with respect to small particle inhalation, and should not be recommended as a replacement for physical distancing or reducing time in enclosed spaces with many potentially infectious people . We are very concerned about messaging that suggests cloth masks or face coverings can replace physical distancing . We also worry that the public doesn’t understand the limitations of cloth masks and face coverings when we observe how many people wear their mask under their nose or even under their mouth , remove their masks when talking to someone nearby , or fail to practice physical distancing when wearing a mask .
It would be better if you spared us your misinformation.
Your source isn’t a study, it’s a commentary. The Lancet study cited by the link I provided is an extensive systematic meta study:
"the use of both N95 or similar respirators or face masks (eg, disposable surgical masks or similar reusable 12–16-layer cotton masks) by those exposed to infected individuals was associated with a large reduction in risk of infection "
I don’t think that poster is worth the time.
It’s funny that we are being told by this person that the masks don’t work, and yet in the article they point out the dangers of wearing the masks incorrectly…
If masks didn’t do anything to prevent transmission, what would it matter if we wore them incorrectly?
Looks like they joined just to spread misinformation about masks.
Yes, I did just join, and I just created the misinformation at U of M as well.
I’m providing a different viewpoint, not misinformation.
Do you think the video from youtube someone posted has any truth regarding covid transmission and masks? Nobody is calling that misinformation, but since it agrees with your viewpoint, it must be truth, right.
we continue to conclude that cloth masks and face coverings are likely to have limited impact on lowering COVID-19
you forgot to bold some
People who go out of their way to give the public excuses not to wear masks are responsible for deaths. It isn’t just the usual contrarianism, it’s way beyond that.
Ahem, you forgot to cite the most recent commentary:
I support the wearing of cloth face coverings (masks) by the general public.
Stop citing CIDRAP and me as grounds to not wear masks, whether mandated or not.
Don’t, however, use the wearing of cloth face coverings as an excuse to decrease other crucial, likely more effective, protective steps, like physical distancing
It’s the completely normal logic of saying
“If this mask only gives me a x% chance of me or other people not getting sick, I will just go with the 0% chance, thanks very much!”
If I thought they would feel the same about parachutes, i would rent the plane for them…
That’s interesting. It’s a hamster study, and given that this is not really something that is a dose-response kind of thing, but something that gets inside and multiplies, it requires a bit more explanation. The authors don’t, but I could imagine lower innoculum requires longer to mount up to significant numbers, giving the immune system a bit of time to mount a response? I don’t know (clinical doc, not a researcher here) but it could make sense?
And yet…
Well that was gross, I knew we spewed a bunch when we sneezed, but yeesh. Elbow crooks, people.
I like how we all see what we want to see. If someone just doesn’t want to wear a mask, for whatever (likely stupid) reason, they will focus on the language that seems to imply they’re useless (the masks, not the anti-masker). If they’re not selfish, and want to help other people, they’ll focus on the statements that support the effectiveness of masks. Personally, even if masks aren’t super effective, I don’t mind wearing one, just in case they do help. Plus, how else am I gonna signal my virtues to everyone around me? /s
Here’s a 5 minute video, by a scientist, that addresses the conflicting information.
Warning: There’s a lot of LMFAO.
Sorry, that video’s not going to do any good in the USofA. The use of “cm” is a sure sign it’s a liberal hoax.
Red Blooded MAGAmericans know that “cm” is short for Communist Measurement. and commies are bad. Unless they’re Putin, or anyone Putin likes…
Presumably with masking tape. I’ll show myself out.
Here I was thinking I was singularly brilliant for employing the “coffee bag closure thing” in this way. Great minds, all of us…