Video from the set of Stranger Things season 5

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Yeah. We could watch the spoilers and it’ll be OK, we’ll have forgotten them by the time it comes out…


They are 10 whole ass years older than when the first season started:

That alone kills all my suspension of disbelief and general interest.

They should have concluded with S3, IMO.

And I say this as someone who once loved the show.


Holy shit… that’s a long time!

It’s been two years since the last episode. I think I’ve lost track. It’s hard to get excited all over again.


I’m ok with it. It used to be really common in tv to have twenty- and thirty-somethings playing high school students. Henry Winkler was 29 when Happy Days debuted. Luke Perry was 24 when 90210 started. Hell, even in Stranger Things, Joe Keery was 24 when it started. So we’re going to have college age kids playing high school kids. As long as the story is compelling, that won’t ruin it for me. I’m more concerned about the story. Season 4 was ok, but it wasn’t great.


Oh, Sarah Michelle Gellar was in her early 20s, too…

buffy summers fashion GIF


I think one thing that helps me suspend my disbelief on this specific issue is that I knew a kid in 7th or 8th grade who had a full mustache and beard because of a hormonal issue. He looked, to us at the time anyway, like a 30 year old man, but he was 12 or 13. They even exempted him from the dress code, which didn’t allow facial hair, because even if he shaved before school, he’d have 5 o’clock shadow by mid morning and a full beard by 3 o’clock. I can’t remember his name, but he also always wore tinted glasses and a Member’s Only jacket. He looked like he should have been driving a Trans Am.


Different strokes for different folks.

It’s not the disparity of adults playing teens; it’s that my rational brain will not reconcile having seen them grow up into adults, and then attempting to reprise the same roles.

It doesn’t help that the last season wasn’t nearly as good as the first two, and the third season was just ‘okay’ IMO.


That paints an image! :laughing:

I had a friend who started going bald in… middle school, I think. He covered it over for much of HS, but I saw him a few years later at Dragon*Con one year, and he’d finally just gone with it and shaved his head.


I had a classmate like that in high school. People would sometimes ask him to buy beer for them since there was no chance he’d get carded but he would never do it. He was one of the smarter students and knew better than to risk it.

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I’ll watch it. Season 4 was a lot of fun, even though it lost all of the magic of the first two seasons.


I don’t understand the problem, really. Everyone you know, and everyone that everyone knows is older than the last time seen. This isn’t The Simpsons. :wink:

I actually think it’s kinda funny that they’re all in their 20s now, but I hear what you’re saying. I also have to agree that the last season wasn’t great. It had it’s high points, but it definitely started to feel a little bit like they were copy-pasting the plot.

I’ll be curious to see how they handle new characters. I didn’t realize how tough that could be in a limited series until I watched the last season of “Sex Education,” in which they introduced a whole slew of new characters that I found it impossible to care about. Actors like Emma Mackey (Maeve) were killing it, but the focus was being taken away by characters who had just appeared AND almost seemed designed to be semi-offensive caricatures of real people. (Sorry for the digression.)


It’s not a “problem” for you to understand; I stated my OPINION which is allowed to differ from your own.

It’s a personal preference, one which you are not required to share.

Good day.

Exactly; the show was already treading water and getting ready to jump the shark. The age issue just makes it worse for me, personally speaking.

She was in Stranger Things?


No, she was in “Sex Education,” which I was making a comparison to.


Somehow I missed that sentence completely and was thoroughly confused. Thanks for explaining; I’m gonna go make myself a much needed cup of coffee…



That was (almost) me. I had a mustache that rivaled Magnum PI’s in 8th grade.


Everyone has a different threshold for their suspension of disbelief. Fans of Stranger Things already push theirs several standard deviations out from the norm. Who’s to judge what constitutes that final straw?


The person you’re addressing seems to believe he is, I guess…