Video Games (long-haired ethics people need not apply)

“Her what?”

“Her banana costume, you nincompoop! Look at what this… this gentleman did to her banana costume! Just look at it!!


I’ve only played the first Broken Sword so far (years ago), now that I got the second one for cheap I knew I have to play more of these games. Gabriel Knight I never much played (maybe I should), but Beneath A Steel Sky for me really showed what adventure games can be like . 90s were such a golden time for adventure games, and then they kind of withered away (except for a few gems, like Syberia). I’m so glad adventure games are making a come back, mostly thanks to Telltale Games and indie developers.

I’ll probably have to get BL2, then, but I already have a huge backlog of games to play and a game like Borderlands is a time-sink if there ever was one.

Ooh, I wish I could play it co-op with someone. My boyfriend just doesn’t care for games like that (or anything that isn’t Europa Universalis or Hearts of Iron). Most BB regulars seem like the people I’d love to play with.

Nuclear Throne looks really awesome. I’ll have to see if it’s on sale some time.


I would, too. As long as y’all don’t mind the fact I massively suck at most games.


Cannon fodder you say? Sign on the dotted line. You are the glue that holds this thing together man. The glue!


It’s a tough job, but if you need a decoy, a human shield or a volunteer for a suicide mission, I’m your redshirt.


*Looks at kickstarter page for Maniac Mansion sequel spiritual successor Thimbleweed Park

*Drums fingers


I’m looking to upgrade my Mac-- my poor 2009 iMac struggles to play Company of Heroes. While I realize that “gaming on a mac” is an expensive dream, are any of the current lineup likely to be obsolete sooner rather than later? I have my eye on a base model Mac Pro.

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I don’t play with a gamepad, so I can’t say if it’s better that way, but I immensely enjoy it. It’s hard to put a finger on what exactly makes it so fun, but I guess it’s a mix of good old-fashioned challenge (love the bosses), power-ups and items, strange imagery and randomness, making every game a different experience. It’s actually strange I like it so much, because I’m the collector and explorer type of gamer, who likes games where you get to explore the world and complete objectives and collect things and catch em’ all (complete with a good story). But something about The Binding of Isaac just makes me play it over and over again.

Speaking of The Binding of Isaac, does anyone else get Steam achievements in that game? There’s supposed to be a ton of them, and I’m certain I’ve achieved at least a few of them, yet I’ve still got nada.

I guess everything is a Kickstarter now. Well, I’m glad they’re doing it, I loved Maniac Mansion.

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So it goes.

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Pretty much everything you unlock in that game (assuming you’re talking about Rebirth, but the original is the same) should give you a corresponding Steam achievement. The two sync up for me, but it could be bugged somehow. I’ve had that problem with other games.

I was thinking, “Happy Mutants”.


Cannon Fodder. Now there was a game and a half.


Probably cheaper to buy a slightly obsolete Wintel tower and a KVM switch.

+1 Those trashcans cost 3k! You can build an insane maxed out PC + monitor for much less, and have a much larger selection of games to choose from.

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Did somebody knock off @SmashMartian already?

Wait, what? I don’t think so. I could easily be wrong, though.

Perfect, I have been banned from most multiplayer games because my unorthodox combat techniques…


now that’s a phoning gif

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I confess, I’m really gonna miss those if they go away. That one in particular.

Hmm… The idea of a fast but quiet mac tugs at my wallet-- but it’s hardly sane.

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