Originally published at: Video: New footbridge collapses during ribbon cutting ceremony celebrating its opening | Boing Boing
Deja Boing?
Dang, not again…
I guess I get to say, again, that I don’t truss these bridges.
Every service & product launch when it goes to 100% distribution
It had a safety factor of -1%
No, this a new one.
You sure?
right there in the headline.
The ribbon was the only thing holding it up.
Now how are the kids gonna get to engineering school?
Typical launch-day woes. It’s never going to have 100 simultaneous users again, but it damn well better be designed to handle the load.
You’d think they could find an engineer who could identify a load bearing ribbon. I guess everyone’s dealing with supply chain issues.
How many times during the process of building the bridge did we have someone in authority shout at the engineers and workers going “Stop making excuses, just build the damn thing!”.
They should have made the entire bridge out of that ribbon material, clearly it’s the strongest element of the construction.
It’s become so bad it really is as flimsy as a supply ribbon, these days.
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