Video of 5 San Francisco police officers shooting a Black man dead goes viral

Demonize much?


Or a tazer maybe.

Fine. Charge them all with murder, then. Can’t prove which bullet killed Mr. Woods? Great, charge them all with accessory to murder and conspiracy to obstruct justice.


Read up on the story a little more. Guy had just stabbed someone, was roaming the streets with knife in hand, was unfazed by being pepper sprayed and shot with beanbag rounds, and didn’t give one single fuck about half a dozen cops screaming at him with guns drawn. You think he just hadn’t had his morning coffee yet?

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No, I think he was mentally ill. That isn’t a capital offense in your world, I hope.

This is why cops in the Bay Area are issued tasers: to take down someone without just killing them.


You’re confusing two different points. No, the cops had no reason or right to kill him. But no, he was not just a guy going about his daily business and I was not “demonizing” him by stating the most obvious reason for his behavior.

You really never see that anymore, when it always seemed to be a fairly popular way of nabbing malefactors in old movies and comic books.


Except I didn’t make that second point. Who are you responding to then since it clearly isn’t me?

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I too have heard the same, both from officers I didn’t know (I once worked at a company which sold non-issued weapons to LEO’s while in college and I know a retired CHiP) - all have offered that exact advice.

When pressed once, the key reason I was given, though I’m sure it applies broadly though in this case it was specifically for a “stand your ground” type situation, was “the dead don’t testify”.

They can now.

I also found this interesting, if disagreeable, and though it’s a it’s talking about the Colonies re: shooting to wound

I most certainly do - maybe not in precisely that way, but I do think it is their duty to subdue a civilian who may pose harm to themselves or others without killing said civilian, up to and including at risk to their own lives.

If LEO’s want us to believe that “they put their life on the line every day they go to work” then I think it’s high time they start demonstrating a wee bit of risk when confronted with the colour brown.


Sadly, this event doesn’t count as a mass shooting.

Does that help you to follow along?

God damn it.


I’d also have a tendency to think self preservation plays a part in it. If you have no stake in the situation then why involve yourself and risk your life? Your house is on fire, you are much more likely to risk going back in to save your family than your neighbor (unless perhaps they are a firefighter who has training in such a thing.)

I mean if I shot a guy with a bean bag gun at fairly close range and he didn’t go down, well I’m pretty sure I don’t want to start hand to hand combat with him either. I’m thinking your best non-lethal weapon would be a taser, but as someone mentioned they don’t seem to be allowed to carry them?..

Aside from the clothes everyone’s wearing, this does look like one of those ISIS firing squads.

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From what I have heard, in America that’s true because in America shooting to wound is Hollywood bullshit that doesn’t work in real life.

Unfortunately nobody has told cops in other countries.


nah, not exactly true. The police in Germany is trained to target the middle of the body because it easier to hit. Not shoot to kill, but a bullet through the lung is not healthy.

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That’s the default when in doubt, but they absolutely do shoot to wound, too.

So you think “people on PCP” are the obvious and common answer and this is more likely than mental illness? Really?

Have you ever met anyone on PCP? How about schizophrenic or having a psychotic break of some sort?

My answer: No and yes.


From what I understand there are a few reasons they shoot only to kill:

  1. If it isn’t a threat on your life or the life of others, then you shouldn’t need to shoot in the first place.

  2. Once you shoot you keep shooting until the suspect is down. If they are still standing they could still kill you.

  3. Shooting to wound is much harder than it sounds they have a hard enough time hitting center mass). Shoot a guy in the leg with a knife and maybe he will then lash out at you from adrenaline. They train to keep people at least 21 feet away, as you would be surprised how fast one can stab someone before getting shot.

  4. Shooting to wound opens a whole bunch of doors that I have to ask do we really want to go down? Already there is abuse with tasers. Do you want a policy that allows cops to shoot people in the leg with impunity? No thanks. Nicking the femoral artery is a death sentence unless you have a medial person trained in that sort of trauma, and even then they can’t always save you.

I do think that too many departments are lacking on proper escalation of force. Maybe they are just numb.

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Much more appropriate than “prayers.”