Originally published at: Video: Tripping bear cub rescued after eating too much hallucinogenic honey | Boing Boing
Soon to star in the new Star War Series, Chewbacca: Wild Nights in Corellia.
Pretty sure that’s the diabetic ketoacidosis kicking in, that breathing you can see is called Kussmaul Breathing… I believe the reporting on that bear was it did indeed fall into a coma and was taken to a vets for treatment and recovery.
“Tripping” is probably not the correct word for grayanotoxin poisoning. No doubt the poor little fuzzy-wuzzy is experiencing some kind of brain function disturbances, as would anyone whose parasympathetic nervous system has been hijacked by a powerful plant neurotoxin causing it go haywire.
This brings up an interesting question about the human experience of mad honey ingestion. Maybe Erowid has some information, which means I’m about to lose 4 hours of my life reading unrelated trip reports.
Ah ha!!!
Thank you for bringing this up!
…was unsure if this movie really existed or was a psilocybin-documentary channel conjuring of my own!Damned if that bear doesn’t look exactly like I did during my first (and only) psilocybin experience.
So this…
…leads to this?
Bear before liquor, never sicker.
Aw, poor baby.
I hope she gets better.
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