Virginia company fined $7,500 for whites-only job posting: "Don't share with candidates"

Well, it doesn’t matter at all, if you are a cis-het white dude. And does anyone else really matter, anyway?

(/s, but i see varients on this argument often enough to know it’s real. What gets less to no attention is even if you are all those things, it should still matter. Because you have friends and family who are not. Their fate should matter.)


Yep and even the lives of people you don’t know should matter, too.


On the contrary, the failure to redact resulted in it being seen.


I’m a little surprised that someone was tightly wound enough to exclude naturalized citizens and nonwhites. Normally people from the countries that produce ‘expats’ rather than ‘immigrants’ or ‘refugees’ are deemed ethnically acceptable.

Also a bit curious that someone whose Salesforce instance can bear only the most aryan of analysts would choose this recruiter. If you want some sort of H1b body shop I’m not sure you have much choice; but if you are going full ethnic nationalist in your recruiting choosing the substantially-Indians-and-a-black-guy outfit seems like a weird choice.


I was very pleased when the original Equal Opportunity law was passed, and even happier when it was extended to cover more categories. But the sad reality is that the law has rarely been enforced, and there is not much that potential employees can do about it. If you complain to the company, you must remember that their HR department works for the company, not for you. If you file a legal complaint, the defending company can always cite other reasons why you were not chosen; filing a complaint is also a public record, and may be found by other companies when you apply to them. Companies just won’t hire people known to be litigious.

I don’t like this situation one bit, and I agree that all of these types of discrimination are morally repugnant, as well as illegal. But there are things in the world that I can hope to change and others that I cannot, and I’ve decided (for myself) that it feels better to stop banging my head against this wall. I hope that you and others will fight the good fight, and someday win.

Side note: I was fortunate to find a professional job at age 55, but the company was acquired a year later, and a year after that, the acquiring company shut down the division, and I was out of work, never again to be hired for a professional position despite strong credentials and references.


You’re right. We should give up and let the fascists win. Because that never has any repercussions, after all…

episode 8 bullshit GIF by RuPaul's Drag Race

After all, not like real people are being impacted by this, only POC and us wimmins and the LGBQT+ community… fixing shit is hard, so why bother. I mean, not like anyone ever changed shit… /s

Come On Please GIF by NBA


What forms of fighting back did your banging your head against the wall take? Or did you mean something else with that metaphor?


I wish I could say that I was surprised by such flagrant racist behavior in 2024. Alas, I cannot; it’s far more common than a lot of people think.

‘Ned Stark’ once said:


The truly crazy thing that seems to have been completely missed here is the company is minority owned.

" What is Arthur Grand Technologies?

It’s an IT staffing firm, based in Ashburn, Va., a suburb of Washington, D.C. The company’s listed address corresponds to a two-story office complex about 10 miles north of Dulles International Airport. Its neighbors include dental and orthodontics offices, and an insurance company.

“We take pride in the fact that all the senior leadership positions in our company are held by persons of color, and over 80% of our staff are also people of color,” Rahmathullah told NPR.

According to U.S. government records, Arthur Grand is certified as a Small Disadvantaged Business in the roster of federal contractors.

To qualify for that status, a majority of the company must be owned by “one or more disadvantaged persons,” who must also be “socially disadvantaged and economically disadvantaged.”

“Each year, the Federal Government awards about 10% of all federal contract dollars, or roughly $50 billion in contracts, to Small Disadvantaged Businesses,” according to the Small Business Administration."

I’m inclined to think it’s either a disgruntled employee or something.

Edit: Today I learned an IT company owned by an Indian is considered disadvantaged. I honestly am not sure how I feel about that. Considering his career trajectory going through Pricewaterhouse I wonder if it’s just a puppet corporation that subcontracts the bulk of its work and if he’s just a figurehead.

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