Visit the Fairy Doors Trail in the town of Denmark, Australia

Originally published at: Visit the Fairy Doors Trail in the town of Denmark, Australia - Boing Boing


There’s at least a nominative connection, “Denmark”, in some recent equally delightful troll sculptures around the Pacific Northwest

Danish environmental artist and storyteller Thomas Dambo and a team of volunteers have completed four of the six trollies that are part of a public exhibition titled “Northwest Trolls: Way of the Bird King.” The project is funded in part by the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation.

(these are some really delightful ‘primitive’ sculptures. notice the birdhouses as necklace)


If you’re going to Denmark and want to see this, you might enjoy Gnomesville along the way


Slightly less exciting but decidedly closer to home (and near a train station to NYC) is the South Mountain Reservation Fairy Trail in Milburn NJ. About a 15min of walking - 45min if you take time to appreciate the sights and there are hours and miles of non-fairy trails in the area too.

Edit: [sic] typo.

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Also in North America are the fairy doors on Saltspring Island. The main feature is on the Mount Erskine loop, but there are a few more accessible doors located around the island, with quite a few in Ganges. The maker of the doors has made a whole children’s series around the doors and sells both fairy doors and books at the Saturday morning craft market in Ganges and online.

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If you’re into geocaching, check out the highest-rated caches in the area around Denmark and into Albany. They. are. amazing. Bring your own 9V battery for many of them!

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Atlanta is home to a number of fairy doors as well!


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