Voter suppression: Trump campaign wants its "soldiers" in your polling place

And mail in ballots are extremely restricted and heavily scrutinized in Texas too.

Pretty sure the guns are why my county has so many polling places at schools or school facilities like the sports annex. Even the early voting.

State police and the voting hotline. ACLU usually does a national one, I think. But maybe it’s the League of Women Voters. Some more local ones depending on where you live. The Texas Tribune and lots of local media outlets publish the number(s) before voting day.

Edit. I swear my auto-incorrect is possessed


I’d like to meet some of the soldiers at the polls and start asking questions. In Spanish.


That’s why vote-by-mail should be federal law.


And then Texas doesn’t comply and SCOTUS will let them?


My only inside look at the process was from observing a recount of a local issue we had proposed and (very narrowly) passed. The county Board of Elections invited me out to witness the process, and they were incredibly gracious about explaining as they went about the recount of almost 20,000 ballots.

It was simultaneously one of the most interesting and most boring things I have ever witnessed. On one hand, super cool to be around for, on the other hand, you’re watching people count things.


Not this shit again!

Who you gonna call? Well here’s someone.

African American History Vintage GIF by US National Archives

Edit to add this link: Black Panther Party in Detroit · Detroit Under Fire: Police Violence, Crime Politics, and the Struggle for Racial Justice in the Civil Rights Era · HistoryLabs Omeka S


The chicken-or-egg question assuming a Dem majority in Congress and a Biden win in November is, change laws first or pack the court first? Because changing laws around elections and voting rights is really important, but could be all for naught if SCOTUS doesn’t get a makeover.


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