Vultures circle GamerGate

Hmm, I see here that your BBS account is 20 minutes old.

Could it be that you registered just to sow doubt for which there is no justification?

It’s true that this article mainly covers one of the more egregious ass-hats, but he is by no means alone.

One need go no further than the #gamergate and related hashtags on Twitter to experience an unmitigated stream of denialism, doublespeak, and straight up misogyny.


Thats a nice snobbish elitist comment, pity you couldn’t argue the point.

There wasn’t a point to argue.


Sunoxen I noticed that you only registered on the forum this month, and since joining you have exclusively participated in threads dealing with GamerGate.

I challenge you to have an opinion on something other than the “threat” to your libertarian ideals of free expression that being less shitty to women poses.


Still doesn’t justify using one ass-hat as the crux for a point or that matter an article. Journalism has lost if its just finger pointing. Its lazy and in-effective.

And so what if my BBS account is 20 minutes old you creep. FFS im being stalked allready, by putting up a dissenting view.

There has been a remarkable number of people joining recently just to talk about GG. The funny thing is that they all seem to be comfortable with the criminal crap, or the kind who say, “Yes, it’s bad, but…” when we all know full well that the whole “cause” was concocted to justify a campaign of harassment. Kinda makes you go “Hmmm…”, eh?


This article is just the latest example. If you had been on BB for more than a day you might see it as part of the trend that it is.

The fact that your account is brand spanking new is relevant because the “activists” on 8chan specifically discussed sending in pseudo-moderates to sites including boingboing as part of an effort to spin the way the GG movement is perceived.


I am no activist. I am a BoingBoing reader who looked into it, and made up my own mind. I don’t really care about how people are perceived, as I say my only dog in this hunt is my “ninnydar” that lights up every time someone points at a piece of media, and calls it the inspiration for murder, rape, misogyny, or whatever rolls around. It’s fairly simple. These critics are part of a long tradition of people that want to protect others from certain unfavorable ideas. If we left creative work to these people, they wouldn’t create anything worth watching or playing.

I don’t think we should be picking on creative people. If you have a political cause that you have, there are more direct ways to effect society than trying to bully game developers into repeating your propaganda, whether right or left.


Oh boy. It’s almost like we found out where you lived and what your phone number is and sent you death threats.

Creepy, huh?


Off topic, but I like the idea of sewing doubt, like it’s a garment a master tailor can create and throw into the air to spread confusion.


You betray your bias when your describe the targets of of gamergate as “bullies” trying to spread “propaganda”.

Bullying includes behavior such as death threats, and publicly outing someone’s home address.

What is decidedly not bullying is giving a lecture or an interview where you say that the games industry is doing a shit job of respecting women. In fact it’s a good example of the free speech most libertarians want so dearly to protect.


This idea here that you posit is extremely dangerous, though it might seem passé. The idea that sexual fantasy or identification will lead to certain behaviors is the same line of logic that people used to ban homosexual teachers from teaching children or firing women who did porn in their past from teaching as well.

You have a whole country, Japan, which I have lived in, soaked to the top with sexual fantasy, and with the lowest sex crime rates in the world. I would ask you to point to any peer-reviewed study that correlates sexual fantasy and sexual fantasy in media to actual sexual assaults. I think you will find no evidence for it on any scale.

Tentacle porn is the gateway drug to rape?



I’ve even made the same spelling mistake before on bbs.


I didn’t comment on how sexual fantasy effects sexual behavior.

I simply said it’s categorically different from violent fantasy.

Both topics need study, and it’s not wise to apply the conclusions about one to the other.


If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.
Desmond Tutu


I didn’t say I was impartial. I said I wasn’t an activist. I am firmly and stridently in the “let creators create” camp.


How about you look at the sex crime statistics in Japan, and get back to me. It’s been studied in depth for decades.

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You also used the ‘dog in this fight’ line.

But ok - you’re stridently in the “let creators create” camp. Let’s take you at your word, for what it’s worth.

Is Brianna Wu a creator? Is Anita Sarkeesian a creator? Is Zoe Quinn a creator? Where is your “strident support” for them? Should they be allowed to create, or should they be subjected to violent abuse to the point that they aren’t safe in their own home, and cannot continue creating?


I’m actually pretty familiar with the topic. There is a wonderful collection of essays some which cover this topic called Dreamland Japan.

A few of the pieces suggest that Japan’s rich fantasy culture provides people with an outlet for behavior that’s otherwise unacceptable is such a staunchly conservative society. I tend to agree.

I’m all for a rich fantasy life, I just happen to think that there is a sex-positive way to pursue it.

Thing about the GG movement is they aren’t simply defending fantasy, they are opposed to gaming content evolving to include a richer variety of narrative and depiction. They are so hell bent on asserting their narrow taste in games that they threaten those with different taste with terrible violence.


Let me see if I follow you here. Your thesis is:

  1. This is not at all about “ethics in journalism” and never was. It is actually about Freedom of Speech.
  2. Critics addressing issues of gender in works of art is a state of affairs incompatable with Freedom of Speech. Therefore,
  3. Those who insist on discussing such things must be stopped, by any means necessary, as a way of preserving Freedom of Speech.
  4. Anyone who objects to this plan is an authoritarian who hates Freedom of Speech.

Did I miss anything important?