Yet all those groups are regularly demonized (and now imprisoned) by idiots like Orange Hitler and his sycophants.
The problem with your framing (and that of conservatives in general) is the implied group membership: That violent people are mentally ill, terroists are muslim, gang members are immigrants, and pedophiles are homosexuals. These things are demonstrably false, yet regularly pushed by conservatives despite the overwhleming evidence. You are far more likely to be killed by a white, Christian, native born American wth a gun than by any of the other groups on that list.
Anyone who believes the myth of all those good 'ol boys being responsible gun owners has never driven past a rural Stop sign that looks like swiss cheese. Sure there are responsible gun owners. But there’s a hell of a lot of irresponsible ones too. I’ve seen plenty. Edit: Also want to add, even the most responsible gun owner is more likely to kill someone when he gets angry, depressed, or drunk. It happens…a lot. Way too much in fact.
Fences on bridges are proven to reduce the suicide rate, even though it’s not a 100% solution. The same goes for responsible gun control.
I said I’d stay out of this thread for my own mental well being, but I can’t ignore (and didn’t know where the fuck else to post) this latest instance of gun-death fuckery:
But, this is the thing, it is normal in large parts of the country.
Hell, my 10yr old nephew received a shotgun for Xmas last year. His younger sister will probably get one this year. (Santa wears a MAGA hat in that family)
Mundane, normal and extremely banal for many.
“Tactical Solutions” has no fucking business listed next to a child let alone in a magazine about “Junior Shooters”.
You’re taking peoples belief systems and creeds and applying them to your HOBBY? That’s disgusting man, guns aren’t a fundamental part of you like your sexuality or your religious beliefs. And if you think they are, I feel really sorry for you.
NONE of them are good takes. They each conflate two groups that have some overlap but nothing directly to do with one another.
Right, demonizing is wrong.
First off, not sure why you’re bringing up “conservatives”, no one has mentioned them.
This statement is true if you’re talking about a white person is more likely to be killed by another white person. They will also most likely know their killer as well, as random killings are rare. But this fact doesn’t mean demonizing of either white men or gun owners is “OK”, nor my main point that there seems to be a lot of conflation between average gun owners and murders.
Yes there are. Just like there are irresponsible and “bad” people in every other walk of life. No one is denying there are bad actors. These people are the minority of overall owners.
Walmart not selling some types of ammo isn’t going to have any real effect on mass shooters or criminals. It will mostly just inconvenience “normal” people.
o_0 LOL - what? No, not at all. These are examples of large groups of people who get labeled due to a very small minority of bad actors within them.
Let’s not be erecting fantastic strawmen to burn down.
Don’t get me started on smoke free zones those places are just asking for second hand smoke and a smoker to start smoking in them. Unless of course a good smoker is already there then the smoking will stop as soon as anyone can start smoking.
Wait, are you saying most societies don’t have the expectation of being able to buy firearms and unlimited ammunition at the same store where they buy baby formula? What a totalitarian nightmare!
PAL is Possession and Acquisition License, which allows you to posess and purchase firearms. As opposed to the (no longer existant) Possession Only License, which was exactly what it says on the tin, and was used to grandfather in people who had guns before licensing and had no intention of aquiring more.
You should seriously drop this line of argument. It is massively bigoted.
I get that you probably don’t think those things. Using them to justify your hobby over the graves of thousands of people each year is sick.
Owning and using firearms is NOT part of who you are. It’s a choice. You can live without them. The people you listed above cannot choose not to be who they are.
Seems a strange take I’m sure criminals enjoy a bargain as much as anyone else. If these bullets are so cheap it could really hurt the criminals the most just by the increased cost of purchase.
Perhaps a solution is they still stock the cheap ammo but ask the criminals to present some form of photo identification/ certification to show they are not criminals. Like a membership card that says you can have guns and ammo. Then good ol law abiding folk could still get cheap ammo.
Of course then there is the loophole of “normal” people who intend to commit a crime. Well maybe they could be assessed based on what their intentions are in the same identification/ certification membership card process. Of course have a waiting period cause you don’t want the impulsive “normal people” future criminal. They are tricky.
Of course criminals could steal the guns and ammo from “normal people”. A real problem because they can’t buy cheap guns and ammo anymore. So maybe people could then lock the guns away in some sort of safe place. Where only the ammo and gun owner was responsible. Kind of like a bank account, just for you. Of course you would have it in your house and be free to touch it. Just in case.
Of course the “normal people” could still sell their guns and ammo to a “criminal”. I’m not sure if that is solvable. “Normal people” gun owners are 99.9% responsible or so I have read.
I know they are responsible because they don’t kill people. That’s what responsibility is not killing people. (Cigarettes are irresponsible.)
Maybe then we should look at the gun sellers. Cause crime is bad. If 99.9% of gun owners are responsible.
The issue has to be gun sellers. After all guns don’t just grow on trees. Maybe they are only 50-99% responsible. Maybe they could get checked like how restaurants are checked. You know as if guns presented a risk to public health like dirty kitchens do. Then fined or whatever.
Wow this is a slippery slope and probably no lives would be saved. Most of all though it sucks that you can’t get cheap ammo at Walmart anymore.
Religious beliefs are just a shared hobby. I won’t say that they should be treated the same as collecting stamps or being a Star Trek fan, but they are fundamentally different from sexuality as there’s no indication that sexuality is acquired.
It seems like a common tactic by the people opposed to any kind of gun control, to claim that no change short of absolute ban will stop the criminals and is therefore useless, while the ban is obviously unconstitutional.
It’s nonsense, of course, as is the other favorite argument of theirs, that since you can kill people with knives or sticks or handheld rocks, banning guns won’t help.
What kind of otherlap do you find between homosexuals and pedophiles ???
Maybe those two groups aren’t mutually exclusive but I have no idea why you should put them together more than heterosexual/pedophiles or milkmen/pedophiles. This idea homosexuality somehow lead to paedophilia is just a bigoted talking point with no basis.
Anyway your point is really bad as everyone already said. You are not a victim of discrimination and owning guns is a choice, not a belief system, a sexual orientation or your race.
Why don’t you try to tell us some of the things the US should do to stop gun violence, rather than complaining you will pay slightly more for ammunitions ?
I assume he was referring to the old slur about how homosexuals are pedophiles grooming kids. So it would be “Here’s a group X, whose members are often accused of being Y without any more basis than they’re X”.
Which is not inherently a terrible comparison, but he’s presenting it in a confusing and unfortunate fashion.