How are we getting lost in the forest for the trees here? Yes all of those examples are bigoted - that’s the point. (And bigoted doesn’t apply to JUST a person’s inherent trait.)
The point is:
Lumping in everyone of a group of people as one thing is bad. Unequivocally.
These example were too broad?
Ok - how about:
Not all jocks are dumb.
Not all gamers are loser incels in their moms basement.
Not all people who get good grades are nerds with no social skills.
Not all “feminists” are shrill man-haters
Not all “hipsters” are snowflakes who can’t handle real life.
Not all vegans are annoying holier-than-thous about their diet choice.
Not all democrats are really secret communists.
Not all farmers are inbred hicks.
Or are all these comparisons invalid? Does anyone here does think it is ok to conflate the “average” gun owner with either a mass shooters or criminals as if they are the same thing? I don’t think anyone is explicitly saying that (if they are, by all means, back up your opinion). But it certainly is IMPLIED. Certainly no one is saying, “No, no, you’re right, we shouldn’t conflate the two.”
Look, if you’re a mass shooter expecting to go out in a blaze of glory, you just don’t pay rent for a month. Double the cost of ammo, they could still afford it. How many bullets do you think criminals go through in a month? Probably next to none. They buy ONE box and it could last them a year, while a guy going to a shooting match needs to buy 4 to complete all the rounds. People who practice every weekend buy more. Overwhelmingly the people buying the bulk of the ammo are the people into shooting sports or regular users. Or even occasional users who only get out a few times a year, go back home, or visit with friends, and they stock up a little here and a little there during the year.
Like I said - it isn’t the end of the world. Walmart wasn’t always the cheapest, but they did have some ammo that was cheap and it was convenient. You can go to a sporting goods store and get the same stuff for not that much more, or order online and possibly get it for less, depending on shipping.
But I don’t see this move affecting crime in the least, it is just making it a bit inconvenient for some people, and doesn’t actually affect availability.
You mean like a license to buy ammo? Of all the things suggested, I’ve said licenses I could live with. This would target people who are already on the prohibited list.
You’re right there is no basis - but it is a belief. There are gay men who prey on young boys. It is a small minority, MOST gay men do not. The most well known cases are the Catholic priest scandals. But even then, MOST Catholic priests are not pedophiles. But people conflate the two all the time. See above.