Walmart heiress donated $378,400 to Hillary Clinton campaign and PACs

Can’t imagine how this matters. Sanders has worked across party lines as much as Clinton has, only difference is he wasn’t a wink wink nod nod Democrat when doing it. the rest of what you’ve got there are things other people do (get elected to the legislature, stonewall) which is no reason at all not to go with the best candidate for a particular office.

If you don’t want the scene to play out as you see it, you still don’t have a reason not to vote Sanders, you only have a reason to continue the struggle down turd.

Oh, and…would he have to work to get things done… c’mon, that was silly when you typed it wasn’t it? We want him to work to get things done, so does he.

And between the two of them, rhetorical labels from media aside, who do you think the few non-crazy people on the other side will respect more, Clinton or Sanders? People can hate with a passion the views of others, but will work with those people if their views remain consistent over time.

Clinton is a pretty bad person as people go, Sanders isn’t. That should be enough and then you turn your attention to congress.

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