Walmart heiress donated $378,400 to Hillary Clinton campaign and PACs

OT, but how the hell has whoever’s running your CMS not figured out how to automatically look for and close HTML tags inadvertently left open at the end of a blog post? I know it’s not @codinghorror because it doesn’t happen in comments.

Now look what you gone and made me do.

I could happily spend a few hours tweaking it but it’s late and I have to get up in the morning


I’m trying to imagine anybody outside the 0.001% who could imagine Ms Walton’s interests aligning with their own.

The Waltons agent know for carelessly throwing money at things (like the workers who make them so very rich), so I imagine she expects good returns on this investment…


Do you actually believe that Clinton would have a better shot against Trump (or any republican) than Sanders?!?

If so, you haven’t been paying attention.


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There are plenty of good reasons to believe the opposite.

I’m not voting for Clinton no matter what.


Hang on a sec…this is not the first generation we’re talking about. The children and grandchildren of Sam Walton have inherited a lot of money. Some of them (not all) are actually not on the side of evil. And any of their money or work steered away from Republic party ideals is a plus.

Baby steps.

Hmmm. Maybe, but then, when the Democratic Party has become basically another plutocrats party, I don’t like the direction that baby is walking in. If some of that money were going to the Greens, or even to Sanders, I’d be happier, because yeah, if it’s just going to help solidify corporate control of BOTH major parties, then I take no joy in however many Walton-bucks go to the Dems.


Oh, I hear ya! But there is some very promising involvement in alternative energies, for example. The extended family is not a monolith; some of them do think for themselves. And even a small percentage of their total wealth being directed away from Republican interests is still a lot of money.

True. And I guess $378,400 directed away from Republican interests is no small sum either. I’m just not inclined to feel happy that it went where it went, merely because it didn’t go to Republicans. But yeah, I think I get your meaning. I’ll be a bit happier if one of those heirs comes out in a BIG, public way for something truly alternative/progressive. I suppose alternative energy is a start, and here’s hoping that gets some attention from the corporate press.

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Clinton was a member of the Walmart Board from 1986 to 1992.

dolphin blood? great, thanks - I snarfed out my nose and all over my keyboard. thanks. thanks a ton! :slight_smile:

Surprise surprise. She’s no friend of ordinary people, and from what I’ve seen, every effort by her to make it seem that she is only reinforces that fact. I just can’t see her as anything but a distanced, insulated fat cat, infected by the viruses of Money Lust and Power Hunger, and willing to say and do whatever it takes to get elected.


“She was not an outspoken person on labor, because I think she was smart enough to know that if she favored labor, she was the only one,” Mr. Tate said. “It would only lessen her own position on the board if she took that position.".

“Politics is the Art of the Possible”. She was brought on the board in order that Walmart would look more attentive to the role of women in the corporation-- and it would not look good for Walton (who controlled a majority share, and thus the board’s makeup) to dismiss her if she advanced a feminist line.

On the other hand, she could well be replaced by another female director if she rocked the boat on labor issues.

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But Clinton is simply a moderate and pro-choice republican by any objective measure


But but, she would be the first woman president! Why do you hate women??


I can’t even criticize her policies without being accused of antifemeninitism?!?

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Only if you want to go to that special place in hell, specially constructed by second-wave feminists for women-haters like you. (At least you’d get to hang out with women who also hate women!)



I’m gonna just lay back on the beach and let those waves of feminism each over me