Originally published at: Watch a long line of Guinea pigs eagerly march off to bed | Boing Boing
We’re sure it’s not a slaughter house, right?
for perverse reasons this recalls
(“But guinea pigs aren’t lemmings you fool!”)
Future tech sales pitch for driverless, autonomous, radar-controlled AI truck convoys.
You can tell it’s not a slaughterhouse because they’re not being led in by a Judas Gerbil.
Parry Grip wrote a song about the guinea pigs at the Nagasaki Bio Park.
I am smiling at this post because - guinea pigs, but the smile is slightly strained because you managed to post this seconds before I did.
Only one problem with the super-cute song: TOO SHORT!!!
I’m guessing food was involved. Or a desire not to be eaten by owls.
Methinks that passageway is purposefully convoluted to maximize guinea-pig-traininess.
And I approve.
I’ve been here over 8 years and this might be the first time I’ve had something good to post while there were only 5 comments.
The Nagasaki Bio Park has been doing a series of “Will the animals eat X”. Do Guinea Pigs eat cilantro?
Bonus when Catherine the goat shows up.
Poor Catherine has the ‘dish soap’ gene.
I can’t think of a hyperloop/guinea pig pun. Help.
an animal the same size and shape as a burrito
I live in the town that this park is in. Definitely no slaughterhouse, although we do have a resident owl living in the Redwood Trees.
Yes. Neither conveyor belts, nor murals depicting Mediterranean scenes anywhere.