Watch a MAGA rave on about technologically advanced mermaids from the kingdom of darkness

This is what happens when ChatGPT is given mescaline.


Note: do not take LSD or peyote while playing Tears Of The Kingdom


The speed with which conspiracy fantasies of all sorts have become wrapped up with MAGA politics is really shocking. It used to be you had to go to the Conscious Life Expo or sign up for an eastern mysticism retreat led by a white guy with dreadlocks to hear this kind of nonsense. Now you hear it from a podium, on cable television, as part of a major political party’s activities.


I should find this funny, but all I can think about is how every MAGA has some equally bonkers conspiracy theory. For this person it’s demonic techo-mermaids, for others it’s baby blood-drinking pedophile lizard people, or Trump being somehow simultaneously still the president of and powerless against a secret shadow government, or UFOs keeping us in the dark about a flat Earth, or Jewish space lasers, or just a magical, hateful old man in the sky who’s telling them it’s okay to kill anyone they don’t understand. The point is, they’re all utterly fucking cracked and living in a different reality than any reasonable person, and they use this fantasy world as the basis for political decisions and their sense of morality. These people are lost, so, SO lost, and they’re not coming back. How are we ever supposed to get anything done or make any progress in anything when a third of the population thinks real problems are fiction and fictional problems are reality? They’re immune to logic, reason and facts, they’re angry and belligerent, they vote, and they’re increasingly mainstream despite getting more and more laughably outlandish with every passing year.


Huh, wouldn’t have figured her to be a Dethklok fan.

Edit: deleted YouTube link, much less SFW than I remembered : )

You can find it as Dethklok murmaider.

Really feels like she pauses after the mermaid talk to see if anyone in the crowd will laugh at her bullshit.


Conspiracy theories stick together, and MAGA is based entirely on Trump’s conspiracy theories. :frowning:


I can’t help but think it’s UK bigotry that has crossed over to the US. Listen to it again but substitute trans people for mermaids.

Further context:

Suddenly it stops being funny and becomes horrifying.


So this is all because live-action Ariel is being played by a black woman, isn’t it.


It really doesn’t matter- even if it were real mermaids, the transphobia, racism and other bigotry is baked in. No matter how wacky these conspiracy theories get, right-wing hate always seems to be lurking at the heart of them. There are no more harmless kooks, everything is politicized now.


Maybe she’s nuts or maybe the message is intended to only attract the marks.


Well said. All I felt watching that clip was sadness. Well, amazement and disbelief too.

Someone needs to tell her that the Marvel movies are science fiction.


I was thinking innsmouth and HPL but also just Wakanda for ever.

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It starts at the top

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How many coats is she wearing? Does that outfit inflate?

This image, this is truly a modern masterpiece representative of the chump-y age we live in.

Thank you. :clap:t4:

I wonder how long the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck in utero. That’s really the only explanation for this type of “thinking”.

Another false prophet? Does this one have any religious affiliation? Maybe we are approaching the biblical end times. :thinking:

At first I just though, ‘Sad, another crack pot’. Then on reflection I realized she’ talking about other groups. She’s referring LGBT+++ people, and anyone she doesn’t like.