Watch: Baby cries furiously whenever phone taken away, instantly pacified when returned

For those willing to completely disregard the warnings about the effects of bright screens on developing minds, there’s a charming variety of plush protective holders.

I recall seeing one of these on some “worst products ever” list, but can’t seem to find it at the moment.

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Why would you need to cutsie up the amazing magical tablet?

I have to admit, I get extremely anxious when someone wants to hold my phone. Mainly because I don’t have a significant other, and I don’t trust strangers enough to let it go.


This isn’t live from the White House?

Indeed. Kids are such babies sometimes.

At first I thought this meant you can’t always have a quiet baby when you want a quiet baby.

A first hard lesson for a parent.


Also magical extending arms.

Only my wife gets to hold my phone when I’m not around, and only immediate family get to hold it at all. It’s not negotiable.

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While I was working I deeply resented having to have a phone. Now I’ve retired it is different because I can keep in touch with things wherever I am. But it goes into silent mode at 22:00 and doesn’t come out till 08:00, and I have almost everything in dark mode.

Could have been the Campaign for Commercial Free Childhood, they do bad product roundups called the TOADYs. They have a great mission around reducing advertising, corporate access to kids and commercialism. Their screentime stuff gets a little overboard for me, though. I appreciate the message of “you can’t just stick your kid in front of a screen all day” and their offerings of alternative activities are helpful, but when it verges into absolutes, it loses me.


Ours too. Screens are a baby eye magnet, which is why we don’t let her play with our phones and the TV stays off when she is up.* I think it’s the bright lights and movement that is so entrancing.

*except one time a month ago when she woke up way earlier than expected from her nap and I sat her in my lap while I desperately searched for a save point in Kingdom Hearts II. She was a zombie for all 5 minutes it took.


Yes, why won’t people turn their phone sideways? It was hard to watch.

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Obviously, that’s a valid exception.

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More proof that a baby’s cry is most likely fake in order to get something from you.

And also,

“Damn, what a gullible breed.” --Agent K

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