Watch: Commentator tries to apologize after mocking baseball player's accent

Jack Morris is a sexist dirtbag POS and always has been.

Tigers fan here. The guy was a known sexpest in Detroit clubs for a long, long time.

“Do you have forks?”…

This video pretty much sums it up though:


Gaslighting is much more effective when it’s at least plausible.


Exactly this. TPTB at sports networks just let it pass, and I hope their negative consequences include getting hit in the wallet.


Apu says hello.


Sorry you were offended doesn’t work. Shohei’s not being offended doesn’t make it unoffensive, but here’s that angle:

But it’s baseball season, not rabbit season. /s

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Speaking for my house which happens to be populated by “Asians” as defined in the Untied States, I can tell you that that if we were deeply offended and outraged by that comment, then we would live our lives always deeply offended and outraged. So I’m sticking with he’s a dummy, and I save the word “racist” for people intentionally doing serious damage of which there is no shortage of.
I would also like to point out that sports commentator is perhaps the least valuable career to society possible. We all see the game, we all know the score. They are only talking to fill up dead air and when the game is over usually nobody remembers what they said.

Good for you that you have the authority to do so.

(Even as a biracial, intersectional Black woman, I still only deign to speak for myself, not my entire demographic, nor even my own household. We are not monolithic.)

That stated, it doesn’t matter if anyone was ‘not offended’; that WAS a racist microaggression rooted in the belief that White people are superior to everyone else.

Good for you, though, if you’re personally unaffected.

Whatever floats your boat, yo; you’re obviously allowed to have your own opinions.



The fact that racism is so common you have to shrug it off to get by doesn’t mean it should be ok. It might mean the opposite.


Well said. I’m reminded of the couple of decades I spent not getting offended at all the unwanted touching by men when I waited tables/bartended. I’m fucking glad people are (rightly) getting offended and speaking up against that now. I wish I’d felt empowered to do so at the time.
And I’m glad people feel empowered to call out the ubiquitous, “harmless” racism we see from public figures. It all plays a part in shaping a culture.


Fuckin A; it’s never “harmless” behavior, just because it’s not as absolutely horrific as it could possibly be.


I would never presume to tell you what should or should not offend you. My point is that i prefer to be in a state of happiness. If I let myself get outraged for that level of insensitivity then I’ll be outraged a lot. Who wants to be that way or even be around some like that? It just adds more negativity to the world and it’s contagious.

This has been a frequent topic around our dinner table. Which is why I mentioned my house.

Editing now due to the comment about bartending and touching and harassment. That’s a good point. I’m trying to explain where I draw the line, which perhaps a hopeless thing to try and explain. It’s not rational. So I’ll stop now. . .

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Goody-goody gumsdrops for you, then.

Do have a nice night, now.


Probably a reference to the critical reevaluation of Breakfast at Tiffany’s.


I can see that. I also, though, think there’s a lot of room between “I’m outraged,” and “oh, this guy’s just being a dummy.”
Like, in the unwanted touching thing I mentioned above, I wish I’d known enough to know that that wasn’t really okay, even if I didn’t feel “outrage” every time.
So, to the sports commentator, I’m not wasting any outrage on him, but I’m totally behind people calling him out for a racist comment. What we let slide by definitely shapes what people think is okay. Us calling it out is like tugboats steering the tanker, small nudges lead to big changes.

ETA: oops, just saw your edit about stopping. Sorry, didn’t mean to drag you back into it.


Thank you.

So how many languages can you pronounce perfectly Jack Morri? Because I know some English smart-arses who would put that number at 0 :slight_smile:

Excuse me but I think I gotta call bs here.

Calling out someone’s racism doesn’t necessarily mean being “outraged” by it.

And when you’re a person who bears the brunt of racism just about every damn day, you’re likely not someone who can simply “prefer to be in a state of happiness,” a preference you can likely have because you DON’T have to deal with racism just about every damn day.

Good for you for not telling others when to take offense, but maybe take another step by respecting more those who do have a problem with what might strike you as trivial racist incidents.