Watch: Credit card scammer shows how he makes $2000 a day

In any case, the guy in the video says he can do chips as well.


I’m sure it’s doable. The equipment is doubtless more complicated and therefore more expensive. But at the end of the day it’s just a passive RFID circuit. Cloning it is trivial. The issue is that it might be harder to get the output of the chip from the original card since they’re probably stored in a separate data-base (physically separate networks if they’re smart since compromising it would require penetrating two systems) and most street criminals stealing cc information when swiping may not have the equipment handy to record the chip. So for now that information is going to be more expensive to buy off the dark web.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the next step in this little arms race is an active chip programmed to change it’s signal in a unique pattern that the issuer’s network has to confirm. Still not in principle invulnerable, but you’d need the card in hand for a while to clone the data.

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I don’t think that’s true. I’m not up to speed on all the details, but my understanding is that unlike really simple RFID chips and the mag stripes in traditional credit cards, EMV chips don’t just have a static identifier that can be cloned, but actively generate different values each time they are used, more akin to something like Google Authenticator. So even if somebody can capture the output of an EMV chip, that output isn’t necessarily useful for future transactions.

I’m sure somebody else here can explain this better than me.


Interesting. Wouldn’t that require a power source? I was under the impression they were passive chips. I too would be curious to know.

Asking for a friend?


The guy in the video says he can make chipped cards as well. (Mostly because the banks didn’t learn anything from their under-secured European implementation and made it even more poorly secured in America.)

It’s this sort of thing that will lead the paranoid banksters of the world to do anything they can to, on the one hand, eliminate cash and, on the other, move toward biometric ID or the like. Guess who’s gonna lose in that situation? Yup: instead of your CC numbers out there on the DW, it’ll be your fingerprint, your iris map, your face map, and more. The so-called middle class (i.e. people with “valid” CC numbers, to quote the video) will be more or less nothing but a buffer zone to absorb liability between the super-rich and the so-called scammers in the ongoing battle for some fucking semblance of wealth equality.

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