Originally published at: Watch double-decker school bus spin around and ricochet down an icy road (video) - Boing Boing
Must be a large school to need such a bus!
The view up top must have been amazing.
That’ll buff out.
It spun that right ‘round, baby, right ‘round
I’m surprised there are not more videos like this from Embra. I mean, “Edinburgh”. The main steep road in Edinburgh is called “The Mound” and it connects Princes Street with the High Street (The Golden Mile), so it’s pretty busy. In 1959 they installed an electric blanket under the road, to keep it free of ice and snow. I can’t find when it failed, but they were still trying to fix in in the 1970s. It was switched off around that time and articles that mention it cagily observe that “it is no longer in use”. Anyway, buses skidding down the Mound is not an unusual occurrence in the winter.
The bus on the wheels go round and round…
We had this several years ago:
Gold heist gone wrong?
“Hang on a minute, kids, I’ve got a great idea…”
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