Watch: Driver never has to wait for a red light with this sly tactic

… and what does this have to do with idiots doing questionable (if not outright illegal) car manuvers?

I believe that’s called the Honda Civic-minded citizen’s feint.


Take a deep breathe. I placed it at the wrong story.

Pedestrians HATE this weird trick!


No worries, just pointing it out.

That dude just loves traffic circles and is advocating for them in an unusually hardcore way


Excellent work, deflecting this onto cyclists, and in the first comment too.



It’s legal for a cyclist to treat stop signs as a yield in Washington State (and some others). Washington State’s new bicycle “Safety Stop” law allows people biking to treat stops signs as yield signs with some exceptions. - SDOT Blog. The risk is almost entirely to the cyclist, not the driver.


No mention of the Michigan left turn? That’s better than the Jersey left, since the Jersey left still requires crossing traffic perpendicular to the direction of travel. It also takes up a lot of space, much like a roundabout. A Michigan left is compact and only involves merging with same-direction travel.

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Look up.

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I was referring to the Jersey Left article. Your post and others were duly noted.

Only a minor edit, but I think it’s more accurate in this particular case. :wink:

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Nope. But only because I knew nothing about it, and I’ve actually had experience with the Jersey Left… otherwise… :slightly_smiling_face:


Don’t try it here, Friend.

Section 9-16-040 of the City of Chicago Municipal Code states:

(a) The driver of any vehicle shall not turn such vehicle so as to proceed in the opposite direction at any point closer than 100 feet to any intersection unless official signs are erected to permit such turns.


What if you enter the crosswalk?

This guy is just running red lights and has convinced himself otherwise. I doubt you’d find any jurisdiction where this is legal.

I imagine most jurisdictions where U-turns are legal still don’t allow them within a few hundred feet of an intersection (unless doing a legal U-turn in the intersection, as in California). Other than in intersections, Cali only allows U-turns on quiet residential streets (no businesses, churches, parking lots, pedestrians, other cars, etc present).

Around here U-turns are not legal anywhere so good luck with that one anyway.

This is explicitly illegal in California. It was mainly done to prevent the constant stream of people cutting through gas station parking lots to make faster right turns (which is dangerous for a host of reasons) but the wording is such that you can’t use a parking lot for anything other than parking to service a business.


In St. Louis, they will just blow past you on the left and proceed straight through the red light.

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right turn on red is generally an option why bother cutting through a gas station. maybe it’s the different road/intersection layout in CA vs MA

yeah that makes sense, what I described (poorly) myself doing is essentially the Michigan left described above, just with a usually unused business driveway.

Yellow line is my “shortcut” I can be heading west, take the right into the Home Depot driveway on a green, yellow, or a fully-stopped right-turn-on-red light, do a quick U-turn with no-one around, and be facing south before the light to go south turns green.
Sitting in the left turn lane (red line) at rush hour can take 1-2 cycles of the light longer which can be 5-10 minutes of additional wait time. The intersection isn’t sensored, so all those lights are green on that schedule no matter what traffic goes through elsewhere.
This doesn’t even factor in the danger/additional traffic caused by having to force your way over to the left turn lane here, when you get into the right lane just out of frame coming from the north.
it’s one of a number of intersections in my city that would be vastly improved by becoming a rotary/roundabout/traffic-circle

People get impatient sitting two or three cars back, where the driveway to the gas station usually is. Or the person at the front of the line may be going straight, not turning, so nobody can turn until they go through on the green. Or sometimes the person at the front of the line is timid, or the cross-traffic is from an oncoming left turn lane so you don’t need to wait, but people do anyway. The temptation is real- I have felt it on occasion. But it’s a massive dick move for a lot of reasons, so I’ve never done it. :grimacing:

Edit: Fair warning if you come to CA, your move would be illegal here because of the presence of the Home Depot. U-turning outside an intersection, but in front of a business is illegal. And definitely don’t try it in any Canadian province. :grin:


I think I did once, after the car in-front of me sat through a green light.

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