Originally published at: Watch Greta Thunberg rickroll the world | Boing Boing
I’m crying like a baby over here! Happy tears!
Rick Astley is a class act, not that it’s difficult to support such awesomeness.
This girl keeps delivering. I, for one, welcome our Thunbergian overlord!
If we were to ever have an election for a world-wide overlord, I’d vote for her in a heartbeat.
What is this strange and pleasant feeling? Is that what hope feels like? Have I been inspired?
I’m not sure I like it, but I’ll sit with it a bit.
It’s not a REVOLUTION without dancing and singing:musical_score:
I’m signing right now!
Thanks, my speeling is horrible.
Reminds me of that Emma Goldman “quote” that’s always bopping about… which was apparently not something she actual said (though she expressed that sentiment) and was just made up to sell shirts…
Don’t read the YouTube comments. Very strong yet you participate in society, curious, vibes
Awesome to see her smile. There’s power there…
Always solid advice…
I’d pay money for a t-shirt with this part of the real quote:
“I grew furious at the impudent interference of the boy. I told him to mind his own business”
It seems globally applicable.
Same, same. That made my eye holes leak. 🥲
The way Greta Thunberg said that, and her reaction to the mic feedback, were wonderful things.
the kids are OK
I loved seeing her as a teenager having fun and not just as an activist, it really humanizes her and helps her message carry even more weight. I hate to see what so called “adults” like Tucker are going to say about it all, just one more avenue for them to bully her on.
What the fuck are you talking about? Women need to smile to be human?
Aw, she’s a real girl now, not just someone with a massively important message about us all not dying!!