Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/02/10/watch-hair-love-2020-oscar.html
I’m not crying, you’re crying!
Thank you, that was lovely.
should’ve known it was gonna make me cry, godammit.
“Kitbull”, one of the other nominees, is also quite nice.
I had kind of forgotten about Pixar’s Sparkshorts. Seems they’ve released three new ones since November?
The Oscar nominated shorts – animated & live action – are always well done and worth watching (in a movie theater if one near you screens them). Some can be depressing / sad, but there are uplifting ones as well…such as this year’s “Hair Love” and “Kitbull”.
Loved all the nominees for Best Animated Short this year. My personal favorite was Mémorable by Bruno Collet, probably because I’m a visual arts guy and the bittersweet story reminded me of my grandfather’s final years.
Yes, that one hit close to home.
I saw this on Good Morning America a few weeks ago and thought it was lovely.
I agree with others about how the short animated category is usually full of gems.
Saw it in a preview a while back; still love it for being completely atypical with handling the usual stereotypes.
I think that’s because the nature of animation lends itself to carefully thought-out pacing and story more than live action. A lazy live-action filmmaker can just leave the camera running, but an animator has to work for every frame.
That was my favorite too… Hair Love was probably my second choice, though. The pacing/timing of Hair Love was perfect.
Hair Love makes me aware that I miss those acrylic baubles girls used to put their hair up with in the 70s. You know, two spheres connected by an elastic band?
You reminded me of the hair fighting back. Those things look cute, but if mishandled, the elastic can snap those little beads back at your fingers - and that really hurts (especially against a fingernail).
I don’t know about other places, but here in Tallahassee our local Film Society every year gets copies of the Oscar-nominated short films, both animated and otherwise, and shows them in the location they use for their ‘theater’ (which currently is a big room at a former train depot but I digress… They have several showings. I try to go to see them every year, even though I don’t go to all the films there, because it’s a good way to help fund the organization and see some good stuff at the same time. Hope that the practice takes place elsewhere, too.
Yeah, they were kind of like mini-clackers. But I remember some girls whose moms killed it with creative hairstyles using those things.
(Hint: look at the dates).
Man had a plan. Well done.
So glad he ended up going with the art look he did. It was exceptional, while above… not so much. I’m sure that was more or less a proof of concept.
Hey, I remember those. And those plastic hair clips.
Or… if you had them on the end of long pigtails or braids, they’d end up swinging around when you turned your head too fast, then popping you upside the head, hard… or even worse, they’d hit you right in your own face.
Those fuckers hurt; it was no mystery to me why they went out of style…

they’d end up swinging around when you turned your head too fast, then popping you upside the head, hard … or even worse, they’d hit you right in your own face.
I must be hardheaded, because that lesson slipped my mind - until I started ballroom dancing. At a mixer, I wore long pearl earrings. Everything was great until the tempo of the music changed from foxtrot to salsa. During the first turn, the last pearl smacked me right in the teeth. I was lucky they weren’t cracked.