Watch Jon Stewart's epic takedown of Second Amendment absolutist Rep. Nathan Dahm

I would watch the whole interview; I like seeing willfully ignorant people put in their place, especially when someone as deft and funny as Stewart is doing it. But just the arrogant smirk on that asshole’s face in the thumbnail, so sure that he’s right about everything he’s saying, if only this silly Jewish liberal was smart enough to understand, is enough to make me sick to my stomach. I have stopped arguing with these people, as it is profoundly unproductive and frustrating.


As Jim Jeffries pointed out, there is one argument that stands up to scrutiny: “Fuck off; I like guns.” Not much of an argument, but it’s the only one that isn’t built on bullshit.


It’s mostly the same thing the NRA has been doing for the last 40 years: pretending that the first half of the second amendment doesn’t exist.


And I’ve never been able to understand it - even as a gun owner myself.
My grandfather was a hunter, my father in law was a hunter and still owns guns. The latter says “no one needs to own weapons of war” and he’s absolutely not opposed to common sense laws for gun control, like MOST gun owners.
I worked with a guy 25 years ago when I had a union job, and he absolutely had no problem literally voting against his best interests ONLY because of “gun control”. I mean, JFC - the livelihood of himself and his family on the line and his gun fetish was more important.


It’s Space Ghost Coast to Coast, but scary and sad instead of funny.


Dunning–Kruger effect. He’s too dumb to understand how smart Stewart is.


Do people not watch his show before agreeing to be interviewed or do they think they are smarter than the last person he interviewed?

I recall an interview with Colbert and Stewart, where they shared that sometimes people wouldn’t know it was for The Daily Show until the interviewer walked in. : )

Before that the producer and crew would show up and say the interview was for a “basic cable show”. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Then a Daily Show correspondent would step in right after the cameras started rolling, and the interviewee would have the choice of either dealing with it or being videotaped fleeing.

In that interviewer’s shoes, I might just leave. But I’m sure there’s a certain amount of denial involved about several things. That they’re actually on the right side of the issue, and that they can handle interviewers who will actually ask tough questions. And who will not politely shy back from an opportunity to let the interviewee look like a fool.


Yep. Every bullet sold leads to money for the NRA’s lobbying organization.


I really loved this. People need to see this and the model for how it is done.
people push this crap with no pushback all the time. I see it in testimony hearings on gun laws.
There is no one following the gun nuts saying, “What you are saying is BS.”
And then later there is no one demanding they change. “Will you stop saying this BS now that I have show you it is BS?”

They lost. Will they admit it? No?
Will they change? No.
But I’m not totally cynical, you use the rhetorical wins you have and you keep fighting.

I’ve found that the guns everywhere people have a plethora of bumpersticker statements, gotcha arguments and BS stats to use. Most people don’t like to argue with them to show just what BS they are. They also set the terms ‘“I’ll bet you don’t know what the AR IN AR 15 stands for!”
Or “When seconds count the cops are only minutes away!”
Or BS stats about gun free zones.
I know all of them, I could debate & dispute each, but when I’ m done they move on to the next excuse

That is why we need to these kind of videos a rhetoric fight win.


I used to wonder the same thing about people who agreed to go on Jerry Springer’s show. No way you’re gonna come off looking good on TV if you accept that invitation.


I heard a rumour that backstage at Springer, the snack cart would run empty early, the open bar would remain very generous, and the filming would run late (“just another hour, but please enjoy the complimentary refreshments”). It all helped the atmosphere of belligerent self-righteousness.


There’s a topic for that!


So much this. I love watching Jon tear down the bullshit


Thanks you for the link!
I don’t like to argue with people on the internet, but I like to see how people whose views I agree with do it successfully. .

The other thing I like to see are messages, slogans and bumperstickers that aren’t a reverse of THEIR Slogans.
People sometimes have a good logical argument, what is yours? But I’ve learned to ask:

“What is your best slogan?”

What bumpersticker argument do you use?

What is your favorite soundbite?

What is your best graphic that proves your point?
What statistic do you pull out to shut people down?
What story do you bring out to tug at the heartstrings?
What is your emotional argument?

The people for guns everywhere DO HAVE ALL OF THESE.


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