Watch Mad Max:Fury Road in glorious shiny monochrome

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in pursuit of removing the voices lots of sound effects are removed alsoā€¦ making this useless.

I believe is due to copyright reasons.

Just desaturizing the movie and posting it whole would beā€¦ problematic, to say at least.

Also, is just great for dubbing actors to practice from home! HaHaHa!


Before you ask ā€œWhy not just turn down the Saturation slider?ā€ ā€¦ If this is done right (still downloading, havenā€™t compared side-by-side yet,) itā€™s not that simple. The contrast curve has to be adjusted for good results, ideally separately for each channel (and differently for the various looks used throughout ā€” you wouldnā€™t use the same curves for the nighttime or dust storm scenes as the blazing high noon ones.)




One of the things I liked about Fury Road was the abundance of color. Black andā€¦ chrome, it just doesnā€™t do it for me; granted I understand there are people who are fine with black and white and I can even enjoy a good black and white movie, but I feel like Iā€™d enjoy it even more, in color. I suppose I have a multi-chromist bias and give a pass to old movies because color wasnā€™t possible, or at least practical at the time.

That said,
Witness him!


Previously, on Mad Max: Luma Nerdery

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Just got the blu-ray, and while the movie looks and sounds great, the disc gives every impression of having been rushed out the door. Thereā€™s hardly any features and the menus are so amateurish and ugly that my friends and I laughed when we booted the disc up. That, plus George Millerā€™s repeated statements of all the crazy stuff he wanted to put on the blu-ray thatā€™s not there, leads me to think that a ā€˜special editionā€™ must be on the way for Christmas.


Mediocre, Miller, Mediocre.

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An apocalyptic movie in B&W with no dialog, oh man, you are gonna love The Last Battle (


Hope you grabbed this, because itā€™s goneā€¦

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Already gone. :frowning:


Because the director has stated that his ideal version would be in monochrome?

Unsurprising, really. Did anybody expect it to last online for long?

but why?

For his art?

I donā€™t recall. It is just something he discussed in an interview I heard.

He said in interviews (repeated in the article above) that he was tired of the washed-out, dull looking color tone of movies right now, and was also tired of the teal-and-orange clichƩ movies fall back on. But since they were in a desert with rusty vehicles, everything was naturally teal and orange. So they super-saturated the color. But when they tried going black-and-white, it looked so rich and distinct and original that he fell in love with it.


thanks guys, I think I was being a bit simple there, maybe also predicated on a misunderstandingā€¦ I thought he wanted no sound as well.

Maybe some cue cards from silent cinema edited in could complete the effect. I especially
like the hyper-accentuated reds in the film but, and I mean no offence, surely if your subject matter is naturally captured with teal and orange, then the scheme gells with the mis en scene?

I dunno, the guyā€™s a genius in my book, probably I shouldnā€™t be second guessing his preferences.

Two words: Happy Feet

He also said in an interview that he really dug the idea of presenting the movie with no dialogue, just a symphony of pummeling music and explosions. Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s something he actually wanted to do or was just musing, because Millerā€™s kinda wacky that way.

And for the record, I thought Happy Feet was pretty great, along with Babe, which is magical. Happy Feet 2, not so much.

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