Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/08/26/watch-man-at-supermarket-hun.html
The checkout woman at the end is great. Like she sees it all the time, just another normal customer.
I was expecting to see Ted Nugent.
Stalking the wily tater tots.
Probably Berlin, she might have been used to dealing artists and other crazy clowns…
No beverages I see. I wanted to see him skewer a bottle of milk.
Why do people say “bow and arrow”? I never hear the phrase “gun and bullet” used. Besides which, one arrow? Really! Who goes hunting with one arrow? Or one bullet for that matter.
People who do it call the sport “bowhunting”.
So, is this particular case called bowshopping? Since, obviously shopping is not a sport. Or is it?
I’m sure shopping can be made into a sport. It can definitely be made into a game:
It’s a good game too. Combines Price is Right knowledge with some word games and an athletic component where people sprint down aisles with shopping carts loaded with 100lbs of ham, 50lbs of cheese, and another 60lbs of detergent.
He found the grocery store too scary and so stayed home to shit himself.
Hunting for bows? What with?
(And there was me all these years not realising that the UK govt had banned hunting WITH foxes!)
Bowhunting? What does one use to hunt bows? What is their natural range and their season? Do I need a licence?
Edit to acknowledge Ninja by @anothernewbbaccount
Hamburg, actually.
The (then) PLUS branch at Friedensallee 12.
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