Originally published at: Watch: Needy cat insists on getting cuddled, forcing his human to put the gardening aside | Boing Boing
Orange boy cats seem to be the most demanding.
Don’t tell my demanding grey tabby that, he’ll be tempted to get even more insistent.
My own murderbeast is not so needy or quite that affectionate, but I do stop and take breaks to pet her when she does the leg bump thing as I am working, which is about 3 to 4 times throughout the day.
It’s a good reminder to not stay in one position for hours on end…
Sounds about like mine… she just did it, in fact and continues to do it…
My girl kitty is solar charging in the window my home desk faces. Once she’s fully charged, she’ll demand some skritches before heading to the food bowl.
If you try to nap on the sofa, ours will climb up and begin making biscuits on you, or insistently nudge you to make room for her.
Ours liked to “help” mom when she was gardening, by rubbing on her, staring/pawing at the soil she was working, batting at her trowel, etc. She’d stop and pet them, but they mainly wanted just to be near her and “help.” I don’t think she was willing to admit how many times they really had helped, by their forcing her to shift position/stand up for a bit.
Our late, great Julius (yes, he was orange) enjoyed doing that, but he really loved “helping” us shovel snow. He’d beat up the snow that was about to be shoveled, beat it up as it was deposited elsewhere, loved to have the snow (and snowballs) flung at him, and occasionally even leapt onto the shovel and beat up on the snow there “How Dare You!”
He made an often punishing task pleasant.
Julius was A Very Serious Purrson until 2-3 months after we got him fixed. It takes about a month for a cat’s testosterone levels to fall after neutering, but it was another or two before Julius’ silliness appeared.
The first time I offered him a little fur-covered, rattling toy mousie, he looked at me like I was an idiot, “WTF is that? What am I supposed to do with it?” and pointedly walked away.
When I tried again a while after he’d been fixed, his eyes got enormous and he all but said, “Toy Mousie!!!” before chasing the fucker all over the house.
My Chonk tortie will make the full household stop until her demands for belly rubs are met. This is a regular occurrence.
Same for my grey tabby, and she never shuts up unless she’s eating.
(She’s meowing at me right now)
Oh, do please give her some for me.
As we’ve had the misfortune to see; orange boy people can be pretty demanding as well.
We’re having the furnance replaced today, and she’s been in my wife’s office (we both WFH) to keep out of the way of the workmen, but she got out when my wife had to go use the restroom, and that little sh1t literally sautered up to the two guys, flopped over on her back, and “assumed the position.”
awww jeeze don’t conflate the kitties with that monster.
That is never something we have to worry about with our cat. She hates anyone that isn’t us. Once the HVAC maintenance guy was in the house, upstairs, and she literally jumped off the balcony down into the living room to get away from him (the LR has a vaulted ceiling, and the upstairs has a walkway between the rooms upstairs that looks down into the LR). She limped for like 2 days after that, poor thing…
Cats + HVAC repair = cats lost in ductwork for days