Watch: Prosecutor explains why teen shooter's parents are being charged

Yeahhhhh that’s about what I expected.


On the run and heavily armed, I’m sure. They’ll still be captured without any harm to them and will likely be swung past the drive-through window on their way in.


Another complication is that the only way anyone can prove a gun is in the hands of someone who ISN’T the owner is for the owners to have voluntarily reported it stolen or lost - all because there is no legal way to force it to be registered, and for that registration to be renewed (along with proof that you still have it in your possession) each year. Even the police fight this. I have to register my dog every year (and put a sign in my window) so that police know there’s a dog on the premises if they need to break in. Why don’t they want to know there’s a gun on the premises?


The author seems to understand the many ways that America is floundering, yet shifts blame on to the wrong people/things. :confused: Nothing they complain about was fixed under Trump, but I bet if asked they will claim it was some how “better” then.


This. If we are going to allow private ownership of weapons the legal owners need to be responsible for their use or misuse regardless of who pulls the trigger. If you own a gun and someone else kills with it, you should be up on manslaughter charges and it’s your responsibility to provide an affirmative defense that you took all reasonable precautions to prevent it from being used illegally.

This should also apply to gun shops and gun manufacturers. If you don’t properly complete a background check and legal transfer of ownership it’s still on you.


well, now their lawyer has put out a statement saying that they left town the night of the shooting “for their own safety” and that they are returning for arraignment, and that they are not fleeing. not sure what to believe. either it’s true, or they are duping the lawyer to buy more time to gtfo.


Agreed that criminal liability needs to be increased, but even just adding some market-based financial liability in the form of mandatory insurance for gun sellers and gun owners would be a small but important step in the right direction.* If every gun owner had to buy insurance that paid out, for example, $10m for every victim killed by the gun (regardless of whether they themselves pulled the trigger) then you just know that the insurance companies would demand strong evidence of training, safe storage practices, etc, before issuing a policy at an affordable price. And just like fast sports cars cost more to insure, the large-capacity and higher-powered weapons would cost more because they have the potential to create a bigger financial liability for the insurers.

This would be a very conservative regulatory approach based on free-market forces and personal responsibility, so of course no so-called conservative politicians would ever actually support it.

*For what it’s worth definitely not my preferred solution (which is to just take away everyone’s f-ing guns) but I’m just following the “If we are going to allow private ownership of weapons…” premise in your statement.


Clearly whatever the reason for this avoidable tragedy it had absolutely nothing to do with easy access to firearms.


The “I feared for my safety” defense has been getting a lot of play in recent years. A lot of sadly successful, very dubious play.


Am I the only one kind of getting the vibe… the parents maybe weren’t just neglectful? That… maybe they wanted their kid to do this?


Isn’t their son in custody? So they ditched him?

WA passed a law a year or two ago for securing your firearms. Quite a few in law enforcement around the state publicly said they wouldn’t enforce it, but I imagine it would lead to additional charges in cases like this.


Come on, a respected member of a major political party has given specific instructions regarding the correct way to raise of children as monsters.




Nothing will happen while Americans continue to value their right to own a gun above the lives of their children.


Their lawyers claim they’re back. They were afraid so they were hiding. We’ll see if they turn them selves in.

“The Crumbleys left town on the night of the tragic shooting for their own safety. They are returning to the area to be arraigned. They are not fleeing from law enforcement despite recent comments in media reports.”


Breaking Bad Lol GIF by AMC Networks


His parents shouldn’t have had firearms accessible to minors (both their kid(s) as well as friends who might be over), especially not one who has had behavioral issues.


It looks like it. They didn’t show up for their arraignment at 4PM and are at this writing considered fugitives. Their lawyer has been vamping to buy them some time but they’re now more than 2 hours late.

Things may change but I can easily see a MAGAt couple at least considering writing off Junior when he becomes a liability and trying to save their own hides.


What kind of major assholes buy a ridiculous gun for their troubled 15-y-o child, then run away while their [allegedly] murderous child sits in jail?! I had been thinking today that these two are learning what it really means to be responsible for one’s child, then I heard they’d taken off. These nanowits will have the book thrown at their ignorant asses when they’re caught, and you bloody well know they will be.

ETA: At this time of typing, even more time has passed, and the parents are still considered fugitives. They withdrew $4K from an ATM, too.