Watch "Siegfried and Joy" perform their infectiously happy magic, to the delight of audiences across the globe

Originally published at: Watch "Siegfried and Joy" perform their infectiously happy magic, to the delight of audiences across the globe | Boing Boing


fun stuff. the porta-potty one reminds me of a story about a routine done by a Covant garden clown named Pepe .on the west pizza Street pitch where the street acts that gather large crowds work at the back of Saint Pauls Church there are big pillars and an archway there . Either side of the archway are public washroom entrances. pepe would wait until he had a full crowd fully worked up and after instructing to them to cheer on command through silent comedy directions, not saying word the audience would be ready in complete anticipation of someone coming out of the entrance and let the applause for that person completely rip.


I love that! imagine being the person being cheered for! what a trip!

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Like the Improv Anywhere bit around a random Little League game

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Hitting play on all three videos as fast as you can is a sure cure for the blues!

I’ve been watching these guys on TikTok for ages now. If they don’t bring a smile and a little touch of joy to you, perhaps you need professional help. Like, if your first reaction is “This is stupid” or similar, you really need to get out of your head and enjoy a bit of whimsey. You’ll feel better for it, honest!

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