Originally published at: Watch the Empire fall in 'Bucketheads: a Star Wars fan series' | Boing Boing
Man, I really need to finish my armor…
The war is coming.
Hey, that was actually pretty decent. I’d definitely watch more of that and see how the story and characters develop. Just curious what the legality of it is given Disney owning Star Wars. I can’t imagine it’s 100% legal. Yeah, they’re releasing it for free, but I’m not sure how that skirts copyright and trademark laws.
Not sure what it’s like these days, but at one point Lucasfilm was actually supporting fan stuff - even to the point of making some assets available.
I am torn between on the one hand wanting to encourage any non-Skywalker related Star Wars content, and on the other hand sympathetic Nazis.
More like sympathetic regular German soldiers. Most of them fought for their country because they had to or because the believed the propaganda. No different from, say, Americans fighting in Vietnam. (At least Lucas claims USA during the Vietnam war was an inspiration for the empire).
Nazi foot soldiers. Bad Batch shows them being happy with state sponsored murder cause it pays the bills.
Also seems to retcon whichever movie introduced Finn as an abducted, brainwashed unsuccessfully since youth Nazi foot soldier because a volunteer army is what Tarkin’s Vice admiral suck butt wants? That or there is some story where volunteers are less great than conscripted children
I have no idea what the official new cannon is - but in the old West End Games RPG and Marvel comics, they showed Stormtroopers as a mix of conscripts, and true believers. I imagine it would be like the Russian army or the US Army during Vietnam, where you have a bunch of people in it because they had to be, and some who were there because they wanted to.
In SW Rebels there was the shown an Imperial Youth Academy. It wasn’t 100% clear if that was volunteer or conscripts, but I think volunteer, as there was a line about quitting and giving up during training.
I imagine they explored areas on how to get obedient troops, both conscript and volunteers. It sounds like from the film they had some sort of mental programming they used for the New Order.
Well, in the newest episode:
There were qualms with the volunteer soldiers with killing civilians. But while one spoke up and was shot, the others fell in line afterwards. Tough to tell exactly how much of a problem they had with it, but after the one guy was made an example of, they didn’t want to take the chance of being the next one shot in the back. I wonder as that line develops and if some of them will end up joining the nascent rebellion.
Some sort of howitzer, I think.
Yeah, season 2 is going to be “Attack of the Disney Lawyers”.
Spoiler alert: they’re all clones.
I’m always impressed with how well done some fan movies are, especially when they focus on normal people in far away engagements. It makes the universe feel bigger than the small town where everyone is related to everyone of the major movies.
fascist yaddah yaddah aside - i really dig the 70’s white loafers the stormtroopers are wearing
They were black Chelsea boots painted white.
I have gone lace-less for my shoes for like 20 years now, but wanted something “high top” for when I wear pants. I ended up finding two pairs of Chelsea style boots. One a suede grey, which reminds me of Boba Fett, and one that is all black that looks good when wearing mostly black.
Plus I have a pair of white ones for when I eventually go trooping.
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