Watch 'The IT Crowd' explain perfectly how we feel about World Cup fever

Lucky for you every match is aired live on the taxpayer-assisted SBS :wink:

2 years? This is either the most clever troll all week or a painfully ignorant comment. I’m thinking option 2.

If the IT crowd is a show featuring a previously outcast group circlejerking and stereotyping an increasingly outcast group (at least amongst developed world hipsters) then it sounds like insufferable garbage that’s no better than the previous status quo.

As mentioned above, my experiences are different. It’s usually TV users who instigate these conversations with “Did you see XYZ?” To which “I don’t have TV” is a perfectly valid answer, as it also cuts short the “But did you watch XYZ” or “You should watch is” which all too often follows.

I realize that is in theory not different from recommending a book or play, but this happens far far more often and gets tedious after a while.


Dude, I’m all for protest but these protesters can go fuck themselves. The time for protest was during the bid or during the buildup. The money has been spent/stolen, the favelas have been policed and in some circumstances demolished and the world cup is not going to stop for anything.

The police seemily firing live rounds into crowds is entirely unacceptable and I’d support a summary execution of those officers but the protesters are idiots that are only putting themselves in harms way, with no hope of any changes they’re demanding and to piss off no one but people who have paid thousands to visit Brazil.

What’s your issue with two years? Because something can’t become tedious when it happens every two years?

Though I found that “I don’t watch football” is a pretty short sentence which I don’t have to repeat that often every two years.

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It applies at a more local level as well, mind. viz. Hillsborough and the FA. I hate football anyway.



World cup: every four years

UEFA championship: annual


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They move such commentary to a hidden backwater of the BBS. TV show lauding and sports loathing, however, gets pride of place on the front page.

Who the fuck says “Far East” these days?

Also kind of telling that you watch broadcast TV while working. You know this internet thing we’re typing on? It has a copy of mostly every work ever produced in human history on it. Maybe you should find something better than some TV station’s version of “news” ?

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If I was a Brit I’d hate it too. Luckily I can effectively avoid discussion of the premier league and all the euro leagues. Soccer is highly participated in here but not popular as a spectator sport.

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Stop looking down at us from your cable-less tower, man!

But seriously, why would I want cable when all my favourites are available sooner -and without ads - on the interwebs?

Ahhhh interwebs, I heart you.

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Is on a four year cycle opposite the World Cup, so there’s a major international tournament every two years. Given the level of coverage it attracts in the UK/Europe, I imagine it’s quite tedious if you’re not a fan.

Unless of course you mean the UEFA cup (now the Europa League) which is an annual European-wide club tournament. It’s pretty much the second-tier European club competition and is played during the regular season, so is probably much easier to ignore.

Me, I love it. But I get that other people might not be as enthusiastic as me about it. :smiley:

Yeah, dude said European Cup so I presumed he meant the UEFA champions league (which it became). Maybe him dropping the name of a soccer event that hasn’t been named that in 2 decades should’ve been the hint he was talking out his ass :stuck_out_tongue:

I personally love the world cup and couldn’t give half a shit about any other league. I’m mostly here to be the anti-hipster geek and to wonder who the “we” Xeni refers to is. Is that BB editors?

European championships every 4 years, World Cup every 2.

And sure, I forgot to mention the UEFA cup and the regular competition, but during those the number of people that usually don’t watch soccer, but suddenly turn into genuine connaisseurs is not that high.

But sure, ignorant.

Breaks my heart to watch SBS for the last decade… there’s a special place in hell for the low-down motherfucker responsible for pissing all over SBS’ charter by tainting it with ads…

And given how bloody annoying a less-than-perfect digital signal can be next to an analog one, my telly spends 99.995% of its time as a monitor. Plenty of folks out there on cable to edit out the ads for me, if I want to watch a telly show.

The only other person I know who was purposefully raised without a TV was also German. What are they putting in your guys’ water?

TV mostly sucks, I’ll agree, and I wouldn’t say you’re harming your son but at a certain age its nice to have a big thing you can watch movies, docos and play video games on. When did moving image become a dirty word? A TV is only as good or as bad as what you decide to play on it.

As a (FULLY SUPPORTIVE) resident of the worlds second most gay city per capita I would like to say that gay dudes flaunting their sexuality is NOT a stereotype.

Normal couple stuff: not flaunting

Stuff that happens on Oxford St: definitely flaunting.

The UEFA European Championship is the primary association football competition contested by the senior men’s national teams of the members of the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA), determining the continental champion of Europe. Held every four years since 1960.

The first link when looking for “Euro Cup”. Which is appropriate, imho, since it’s between national , while the UEFA champions league is between the best teams of any nations.

+1 Christmas

Try being a graphic designer if you think you hate christmas.

You confuse owning a large-size monitor which, can be used to display games and images, with unfettered TV reception, which is merely playing Russian roulette in front of of 100 firehoses while hoping that at least one of them will release drinking water instead of liquid manure.

TV used to be tolerable, but todays’ the amount of required to sift through the dreck that is daily programing is just too much work when one can build a media library for a reasonable price.

That said, it’s quite possible to raise kids without moving pictures at all.

Newsflash: Bigots have double standards.

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I hear you. I’m not going to tell anyone how to raise their kids (except to insist they give them vaccines and not to poison schools with crazy god stuff) but I personally feel moving image is as valuable as the media used by art’s great masters. You obviously don’t need moving images to raise a kid but not knowing the greats of cinema history (past and contemporary) is certainly not an advantage.

How big can your monitor possibly be? 30”? 33”? You can buy 50"+ TVs for a relative pittance these days. They’re so good via HDMI that unless you’re doing colour-dependant work its perfect for everything.

Maybe a solution is just jamming some putty in the aerial port? :stuck_out_tongue: