Watch the speedy and satisfying arrest of a "sovereign citizen"


He seemed to also be saying (though it was not perfectly clear) her licence suspensions were for non-payment of parking fines. (??)

You can lose your licence in USA for not paying parking fines? Really?

I guess the logic might be “if you operate a non-commercial vehicle in such as way as to leave it in a manner or place the local authority has decided is not appropriate, then we’ll take that licence away” but it seems that fitness to drive (operate machinery competently) and parking are not at all the same thing.

AFAIK in UK, parking fines or fixed penalty notices for parking will not lose you your licence (though fines may escalate alarmingly and non-payment becomes a criminal matter, susceptible to loss of freedom).

There are one or two offences that might just about encompass ‘parking’ but that is not what penalty points on one’s licence are awarded for. E.g. MS10 Leaving a vehicle in a dangerous position (3 points - it takes 12 at any one time, to get disqualified, and some expire sooner than others)

I guess we don’t treat ‘parking offences’ as ‘motoring offences’.


Not to suggest there is any coherent logic relating to how we govern the ownership and use of cars but, certainly in Ireland, parking fines are entirely related to revenue. The local authority here tenders out for the parking contract. They take the cash and the winner takes the money from parking and polices those who don’t pay.

So you are perfectly at leave to park dangerously to other people, block pavements and make town dangerous for those with limited mobility, wheelchair users, and pram pushers (while at the same time screaming that any reducing of parking was an affront to disabled people) safe in the knowledge that you will never be fined for it.

Coppers park on pavements all the time. Particularly for donut emergencies. They hate doing traffic enforcement (so killings by car drivers are going up and up) so busy are they escorting Nazis into libraries….


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