Watch the trailer for the first fully AI-generated RomCom, coming soon from TV manufacturer TCL

Q: What do you get when you have 13 actors, two locations and a studio, four directors, three producers, and one script?

A: 639 Hallmark Channel romance movies.


Wow. Did that guy even move his lips once? I guess they’re attuned to each other because they were obviously communicating psychically and we were hearing their thoughts.

In the plus side, they could translate this into any language and not have to worry about lip-synch.


Canceling it for the tax writeoff?


i dunno. this still seems pretty clever.

not clever enough to get me to watch it, granted.


Doesn’t TCL my fancy.

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Even as someone who despises romcoms when they are made by actual flesh & blood humans, this looks utterly abysmal.

Like, worse than Gigli and Ishtar combined…


I suspect that doesn’t work so well when they don’t spend any money to make it in the first place…


Although, if they can churn them out quickly at next to no expense except for executive’s salary, they can then pay said executives a bonus commensurate with what they saved on taxes. Fuckers.


Hollywood accounting can hide profits, can it generate costs as well?


oh no! don’t give anyone any ideas! :scream_cat:


… am I still supposed to think “creatives” are cool?

Am I supposed to think I am one?

It’s all so confusing


Watched it and what I think of the current state is it’s not good enough… for adults. However if someone applied this to kids stuff it looks about as weird and coherent as most children’s programming. Definitely looks as though you could pump out superhero stuff that would be more visually appealing than a lot of the choppy, still frame while their mouths move stuff I generally see. Yes this is lacking in the human interaction department though, I don’t think you could recreate any interesting long shots involving anyone ‘doing’ something complicated without dissecting the scene into a series of shorter clips of every moment of action which is limiting somewhat. Like I keep hearing repeated though this is the worst it will ever be it and it will only improve so I wouldn’t count AI productions as a lost cause yet.


They also prominently feature a clock with the numbers I III III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII

Close enough, I guess.


Weird that Harmon didn’t hit on the obvious explanation: they’re similar but subtly different because each movie tells the story from the perspective of one sister, and they each remember the same scenes slightly differently.

Also, he was clearly massively stoned when he wrote those tweets.


This might be the opening move in an exciting new era of Hollywood, where they use “AI” to pretend they’ve made movies they then destroy for tax write-offs.

It would be better than doing it with real movies, and it would finally be an appropriate use for “AI”…

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Excuse me, but Ishtar is getting a bad rap here. Any movie containing a song with lines such as “If you admit that you can play the accordion/No one’ll hire you in a rock ‘n’ roll band” cannot be dismissed as offhandedly as an abomination like Gigli.

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