Watch this birdie do a pretty much perfect R2D2 impersonation

Was I the only one waiting for “General Kenobi. Years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars…”?


You’re presuming everyone who keeps pet birds clips their wings / keeps them in their cages all the time. We’ve never clipped and work actively with the birds (Captive bred peach face lovebirds) to ensure they trust us.


It is impossible for me to recreate the same social and physical environment a bird lives in, so I choose not to try, even though man has figured out tricks to be successful.

Im sure you are a responsible owner, but you are not its natural environment.

A house is not your natural environment.

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I choose to be in my house.

Just like it does not on speed. Speed doesn’t affect robots.

Does, but it is called overclocking.

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