Watch Trump's defense attorney Michael van der Veen tear his mic off in TV interview

…especially if the interviewer is a woman.

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van der wienie, more like.


The dutch part of my family doesn’t like this man’s last name. Same with Pete Hoekstra.

Americans of dutch descent seem to score higher in the assholery department.

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St. Stephen Fry once said the Dutch are such nice people because we sent all out psychopathic nutters to South Africa and the Americas :smiley:


Clearly he knows he’s now worthless to ablsolutely everyone and it’s getting to him.

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Indeed that’s why I found it so funny that he made a pointed jab at “how much emotion has been injected into this trial” in his remarks on the Senate floor. That’s also what makes his impassioned right-wing paint-by-numbers anti-media rant during the interview so patently ridiculous. And of course, there’s the classic “all politicians are the same” canard, which is really just gravy. He’s desperate to downplay the fact that the GOP’s most powerful congressperson, Mitch McConnell, a man whose Republican/conservative bona fides are irrefutable, has publicly expressed a belief that Donald Trump is in fact guilty and can/should face legal consequences.

Is nobody gonna talk about the fact that van der Veen flat out lied about the context of his use of the word “insurrection”? He said during the interview (4:21 in the video) that he was merely “quoting the charging documents”, but at 2:30 he very unambiguously says “the question before us is not whether there was a violent insurrection of the Capitol; on that point everyone agrees.”

Of course he’s Trump’s lawyer. He has the sole prerequisite: being colossally full of shit.


what is weather even?

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I watched the entire impeachment trial, and I watched the entire interview this reporter did with van der Veen. What was funny to me was how he says, “I don’t want to be a sore … winner, but…” and then proceeds to be the worst sore winner I’ve ever seen.


I used to use this term and also “douche bag” but recently it’s begun feeling a little misogynistic, given that this is a thing used solely and specifically to “clean” female genitals…
Since what we mean is that the people are horrible and

I propose we refer to such people as colostomy bags. Or just colostomy, since that indicates a procedure that led to the spilling of fecal matter.
That is all.


I use “taint” as my go-to gender-neutral epithet of choice. It covers a lot of ground that has heretofore been covered by needlessly gendered insults like “dick” and “pussy.”

Everybody’s got a taint. And they all stink.


A perennial perineum, as it were :wink:


Unfortunately for this criticism, so far he’s getting results for his client. Further to the point, I think maybe we should ask how a slip-and-fall lawyer beat the entire Senate.

I’m still so angry I can’t watch this.

Right place right time, enough of the jury cared nothing for the facts?

Honestly, that mic removal went smoother than I expected given that guy’s level of competence. I was expecting something more like this:


a majority of the senate voted to convict, and even the minority leader in the senate - from the same party as the failed, two time popular vote loser, two time impeached president’s party - was convinced by the democrat’s managers that trump was to blame.

that’s not really a win for the defense.

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That’s a good joke.

In recent years with the rise of Geert Wilders and Thierry baudet and the like I’m not so sure it’s true, though. Plenty of assholes left behind. I used to think the netherlands were less populistic than (eastern) germany. Now I’m not so sure anymore.

But then I haven’t been really following dutch politics for the last few years.

Herr van der Veen

De heer Van der Veen, if you pardon my Dutch

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