Waymo sues accused robotaxi vandals

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/07/24/waymo-sues-accused-robotaxi-vandals.html


My first thought (reflecting discreditably upon m’self no doubt) anytime a new robot class is let go into the urban wilds is: “man, bet there’s some valuable parts one could ‘salvage’ there”. And/or: Never fear the robot revolution as long as CPU/GPU boards are resellable on ebay for hundreds. (roll credits: “And thus humanity was saved by the least appreciated aspect of human nature: wanton venality”)


I don’t condone the vandalism, but it sure feels good to think about it.

Here’s a twist - maybe if Waymo took actual responsibility for the shit their cars do… like, I dunno - an executive serves time when the car runs over an old lady, then fellow road users could accept Waymo as one more vehicle on the road subject to the law like everyone else.

Until then, if a crash happens and you gotta sue a CPU … well, fk them, stay off the roads.


San Francisco is prosecuting a 14-year-old who was (allegedly) just one of a mob that surrounded, smashed & burned a Waymo car during Chinese New Year celebrations. The car burned because someone (allegedly) tossed a firecracker inside. Scroll down for footage.

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They need London cab-style signs on top that make it clear when the taxi is occupied or free.
Then everyone would know when it is safe to vandalise them. /s


Don’t worry, we only target the empty ones.


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