We are not colonists

No but that fact that you joined just yesterday to post in this thread and only in this thread kind of does.


The problem is not the pursuit of an inclusive society. The problem, IMHO, lies in the fact that the relatively sudden transition from isolated small communities to a global, digitally interconnected world has outpaced many human instincts, by example, humans tend to tribalize relatively easily and that was an evolutive advantage in the past.

Now progressives, at least in most Internet outlets, are focusing on capitalizing guilt-trips on those outdated instincts, instead of redesigning society to work around them. And by doing so, they enable a mindset that is very similar to destructive cults, with ominous common foes, extreme generalizations, and immediate ostracism of those who oppose. I can’t endorse that mindset.

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If we don’t talk about and explore where the inequality exists and why it exists, how do you expect us to solve these problems? Do you just think that a more inclusive society can’t exist or do you have something else in mind for solving it? Just calling progressives fascists, which is effectively what you’re kind of doing here, is just bitter partisan politics.

I’m curious if you think the problem just doesn’t exists or if you agree that they do, and you just have a different means of solving them?


Or maybe he just thinks the “problem” isn’t really a problem, even though it does exist.


So? Nobody’s stopping you from doing that. Nobody is even suggesting that you should be stopped from doing that. I strongly suspect that, if you were to do that, you wouldn’t even have hordes of people sending you death threats on the internet, so why not do it, instead of whining about how nobody is doing it? Maybe it’s just that people who are actually capable of accomplishing things don’t think that it’s a worthwhile endeavor.


Except when you do.

Jeez, you must have had long running feud with Leigh.

Oh, dear, that’s a bit creepy.

Also seems like you have a pattern Sea Lioning women who speak out against sexism in tech/games, like: Laurie Penny, Gita Jackson (the author of this article), Zoe Quinn, Briana Wu, Maddy Myers, and Randi Harper.

I said good day.




Well, that settles the “troll” question.


Of course it can exist and it will exist - justice demands it. However, that society may not include certain aspects that appeal to the current GG crowd.

After all, I haven’t seen “Men’s Adventure” stories complete with scantily clad damsel on a cover for many a year. Those men (or in reality, their equivalents in the following generations) did not find that the more inclusive literature had what they are looking for.

Obviously I can’t have first hand experience with a lot of things (I can’t stop being white and male),

Just a point of order here, depending on by what designation you are considered “white,” you could easily lose this, depending on where you go in the world. As for being male, many of us do actually change our gender presentation depending on a number of factors. No, it’s not necessarily an easy thing, but it is something we do. Of course being in violation of the norms of your gender is fairly easy to do, even if not always intentional.

A lot of this confuses me, since “all people are pretty much just like me, and thus deserve the same respect that I do” seems like common sense to me.

Actually … I’d say this is only half right. There are plenty of people significantly different from you (or me, or that person over there, etc.) … and they still deserve the same respect that we each do.

I actually would posit that everyone is always breaking a gender norm in some way. I don’t think there is a perfect “normal” person (i.e.someone that follows the full collection of all of their societal gender norms).

Thats what I meant, I meant that statement in a Kantian sense. Everyone deserves the same level of respect that I feel I deserve. They are intrinsically like me, if not extrinsically. To veer a bit, my view is pretty much; humans are humans, and no one is actually that terribly different at their core, most differences are just a superficial layer of social programming, but deep down we all are kind of the same.

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Just liked that juxtaposition there.

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