We can appreciate the feels in this GIF

That behavior pattern suggests that the dog was a common border collie variant, namely the borderline collie.


We have 2 cats, one cares not if you get right in her face and kiss her, the other recoils and bears fangs just like this gif. Eventually you can trap him against a hard place and smooch him. He gets over it right away.


There seem to be dogs in feline bodies. In college there was a cat down the street from me. When I’d walk down the block past his house, it’d run out to meet me, meowing, then get up on its hind legs for a greeting.


Also lifespan - indoor cats live a lot longer than outdoor cats.



Cat vids don’t curl up on the small of my back when I’m napping. (OK, admittedly, neither do my current cats, but I’ve had many that did.) They also don’t stand in my lap, lightly biting my chin, while purring like a rusty chainsaw. One of my boys loves to do this. Finally, cat videos are made of ones and zeroes. My cats are made of purring, love, and fur.


I rescued my cat at 2 days old since he was left behind by his momma, a feral cat. I’m sure he sees me as his mom more than anything else, and he’s super attached to me and very very loving. He gets a bit territorial with visitors, but whenever he goes to stay with my parents and i’m not around he’s pretty chill with everyone.
He’s also obsessed with my younger brother, he must think it’s me or something because he’s constantly hounding him for attention when i’m not around.
I just don’t buy people’s thoughts on cats being unloving assholes. All of our present and past family cats have always been sweethearts, my current one is a bit of a diva/dick with other people but that’s not too different from a dog being weird with strangers.


Are congratulations in order?


Heh, thanks: but first let’s wait to see if he bankrupts me with his college choice…


Aw look, Elmyra from Tiny Toons is all grown up now.


Thank you for clearing that up, cat psychic.

Vivsectionists used to claim with absolute certainty that animals could not feel pain, since they were not human. The poor creatures were just mimicking the outward signs of pain. We now know that that was an arrogant claim made by ignorant, self-serving humans.

We’ve been hearing/reading lately that cats are not capable of love. Any longtime cat owner will call bullshit on those claims. Is a cat marking you when it brushes against your leg? Yes, but that in no way precludes it from being a loving gesture as well. If you drill down to the root of human emotions, I’m sure you will find similar, practical foundations. Only human arrogance would assume otherwise.


Someone’s got powerful tuna breath. . . and it’s not that woman, or else the cat would be all over her.


I never kiss my cat, but I let him do the ‘nose bump’ thing, and he bunts the hell out of me whenever he gets the chance.


For some reason, my mind went right to the Emperor’s New Groove:


Silly Neandertal

You don’t have to go out and hunt if you have cats…


Cats seem quite gregarious to me. I maintained an outdoor-cat colony for a couple of years, and its population eventually got up to around a dozen (before being dispersed by an insane landlord, pardon the redundancy). It was evident that the cats liked hanging around with one another. Many of them seem rather affectionate, even across species boundaries. I think people who say cats do not love, do not show affection, are emotionally inaccessible, or are antisocial simply haven’t studied them, and don’t know what they’re talking about. Either that, or they’ve had unusual experiences which they’ve erroneously generalized.


The cats eyes are screaming “bitch, get flossing, I smell yesterday in your mouth and its revolting!”


While I agree, there is a but…waking up to a cat using your beard and chin as a perfect location the knead, with claws… Not cute! Pain!


Soooo cute! (That’s part of kitty cuteness power, making such things cute. I love kitties, but they are little furry sociopaths.)


Indeed! My last cat was 19, he outlived his 17 year old son! :grin: fscking teenagers!


This reminds me of a time when mine was young and would jump -then climb - up to my shoulder from the ground when I allowed it.

One day, a real asshole “friend-with-benefits” of my roommate was in the bathroom shaving while naked when he let out a great big howl.
Apparently, she tried to climb the tree starting with the twig and berries.

I still wring my hands and gloat even 25 years later.