Webcanvas is a giant digital graffiti wall that anyone can add to

Originally published at: Webcanvas is a giant digital graffiti wall that anyone can add to  | Boing Boing


Who doesn’t love a good doodle…


well that’s the absolutely worst site to try to register to use.

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Yeah, it’s not a good sign when you have to decide if the confirmation code has upper or lower-case "zz"s.

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Wow, that’s phenomenal. Scrolling around gives me the weirdest vibes and a strange sense of loss

You have to register to use it…? Yeah… no thanks.

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Do they have protections in place against trolling? Or will this go the way of most internet free-for-alls and get ruined by trolls, white supremacists, homophobes, and misogynists?

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At the time I scrolled through it, it was remarkably free of that stuff. It looks like it’s been running 3-4 years already

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