Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/02/12/webcomic-nsfw-with-incredibl.html
The link is missing.
Also, I suspect the Russian name may be misspelled, since googling for the exact quote yielded zero results (and googling without quotes pulled up scads of Russian sites that were not the comic).
I’m not sure I 100% understand the plot.
Devil rides comet to Russia and fucks up the slum.
This is the most 80s thing I have ever seen.
Good morning sunshine! That’s some magtabulous shit!
I kept clicking through with the hope that each next panel would reveal that these were indeed the cutscenes to an 80s style side-scrolling fight game.
Gives me a Leisure Suit Larry meets 80s anime (or “Japanimation” as my friends and I called it then) vibe.
1-bit. They’re one bit graphics - or at least, one bit per pixel.
If they were two-bit, there’d be four colors (for instance - white, light grey, dark grey, and black).
Irrespective of the number of bits, it is a stunning piece of work, though.
Ooo! I was mistaken! There’s use of greys in the penultimate panel, when it fades out part of the image.
I vaguely recall the Apple Lisa actually had four shades of grey. Or was it the NeXT?
incredible 2-bit graphics
Those are 1-bit graphics.
I’m pretty sure the Lisa was also 1-bit.
Actually made on a 1-bit mac then hand coloured, 32 years ago now:
An interesting bit of cyberpunkishness that never got its due, I think.
Looking at the two side by side I can see all the things they got right about 1-bit even if it its 2-bit with the greys.
Interesting, but as I understand it a digital comic is a comic published on a digital platform (computer, smartphone, tablet), not a comic made with a computer and printed. Because nowadays every printed comic have some computer treatment (colour, lettering, or even layout).
I even could say that a good digital comic can only be digital and not printed because of its format, use of animation, sound, interactivity, RVB colours, etc. by this standard Uno Moralez make good digital comics
Remember this?
I had This one and “Iron Man Crash” too. It was so futuristic thirty years ago. I would like to insert a link to the cover art here, but I would not want to take the risk of being sued by Disney
Gives me a real Junji Ito vibe.