Weird commercial for Chocoballs

Originally published at:


Bonus factoid: Chocoball was so popular in Japan with its googly-eyed clumsy-looking bird mascot that it inspired a similar clumsy big-eyed bird as an homage in this obscure video game you might’ve heard of, Final Fantasy.


Technically Final Fantasy II. Unless I’m thinking of the wrong doofy-looking bird.

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How could I not…


i’m so glad you went there! :rofl:


that’s like if the trix rabbit was the inspiration for super mario

But it can’t beat the Cornballer!

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Was this posted on the BBS recently? I swear I’ve watched this scene recently… and I don’t have Netflix anymore…

(it’s interesting how more… meme’d… shows on there get vs say, Curb Your Enthusiasm)

anyways if anyone has photos of the balls in the OP I’d like a look, I might pick some up at the Asian Mart instead of my usual pocky and ennui

Now, I would like to try a Chocoball.

Hate to burst your balls, but they’re basically just milk duds.

Now I have to go to one of our many Japanese/Asian markets to find Chocoballs. Damn it.

That’s nice, but can they make potato kinishes? Or little black squash balls?!

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