Originally published at: What are these strange videos of quick-cut random images accompanied by chaotic beeping noises? | Boing Boing
Looks like someone uploaded the Intersect to YouTube
This could be the breakthrough that Cayce Pollard has been looking for.
Has anyone checked “Fetish:Footage:Forum” (F:F:F) recently? They’ve been suspiciously quiet.
When you need a good example of shit, look no further than the internet, if you look, you shall find.
These kids today. Why in my day, when we mindwiped someone, we took our time to be sure the job was done right!
Huh, on the Daily Bleep YouTube channel the oldest seems to go back 7 years (16 May 2014).
They all seem to be 11 seconds and there are hundreds of them!?!
The only info on the page is “Chercher pas la question ni même la réponse” (;Not looking for the question or even the answer’).
So, yeah hits all the ‘intriguing now Imma going down a(nother) rabbit hole’ boxes
But, I’m prepared!!!
obviously, distribution of one time pads.
Modern numbers stations?
Art project/dada prank.
Upload the images from whatever SD card you found in a camera at the thrift store, add some random synth bloops, put on the interwebs, and “freak out the squares.”
[ETA: I note that most of them have very few views, many are in the single digits.]
Hmmm. They appear to be strange videos of quick-cut random images accompanied by chaotic beeping noises.
I could be wrong, though.
That’s what I was going to say.
Wow. A “Max Headroom” reference. Kudos.
same thing i thought.
and I still listen to this Wonderful Thing I was helped to discover right here at the beebs! I think it was Cory(?) that turned me on to it:
Conet Project: Numbers Stations
The internet has a lot of platforms that are good places to do some “high weirdness.” It doesn’t cost anything, and you don’t even have to do that much work.
Sounds like Numbers Stations have decided to embrace the ‘pivot to video’ that was all the rage a while back.
That’s wonderful. Haven’t seen that movie since it came out in theaters. Must watch again.