What are these strange videos of quick-cut random images accompanied by chaotic beeping noises?

Probably a modern-day version of this video:

It helps that the sound was super familiar, so it piques the curious part of the brain. I’ve spent enough time with ham radio digital modes that I can recognize my callsign when sent in 45.45 baud FSK encoded Baudot (aka RTTY - radioteletype), so this mystery was really bugging me :slight_smile:


What, no Webdriver Torso?

guys, the beeps are just from a sound effect used a lot on old tv shows. that’s why it sounds so familiar to everyone. above should take you to the 3 minute mark, you can hear it in the background softly with other beeps layered over it. that’s the closest I could find after going through like a hundred videos. the last place I heard it loud-and-clear was a Wonder Woman re-run. but I know this particular sound effect because my dj mentor had it on a record and he used it in his scratch mixtape that I listened to a hundred times.

in the op videos, they make each one different by sampling it off-measure and looping that and/or chopping the sample in other ways.

now, how the hollywood foley artist generated it in the first place is probably answered by one of the above posters’ methods. but the op videos are just getting it from a sound effect library.

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It sounds a lot like XPA polytone modulation. Any ham radio ops in the house?

This is what I hear when I see that gif:

Slow version?


thanks to GA Tech student radio, I just heard the beeps in question on the Technics mix show. I knew it was in something but I couldn’t place it.

Based comment. But unironcally, it could totally be a rabbit hole to a private ARG run by an individual hacker, and those are beautiful and rare things to find. Has happened to me before, not unlike what happened to Cayce, just didn’t involve any trips to Russia. I sort of played dumb halfway through the challenges after a while.

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That’s what Tor is for. Or a reputable VPN. Or you could watch it at an internet cafe (if those still exist). Or…

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