What happens when you open a can of Spider-Man pasta from 1995? It ain't pretty

Dog food isn’t that bad, actually - just terribly bland.
Okay, small sample size, but I feel confident to extrapolate here.

What we think of as our “sense of taste” is in no small amount information that comes from our noses; our brains will roll the information from our mouths (texture, soft/hard, mоist/dry, warm/cold, etc), the tastebuds on our tongues, and the receptors in our noses into more or less one sensation. Which you can differentiate into its components, but that’s an intentional (albeit somewhat automatic) effort.

Dogs have a sense of smell that is so incredible good that we can’t really imagine just how good it is, we need experimental data for that.
Plus their GI tract is different from ours; most of what we eat is not good for them.
(I keep telling that to dogs that ask me for food, but will they listen? I think we are a bad influence. They see us stuffing our faces with junk food and think that’s the way to go.)

So don’t forget to stockpile herbs & spices & condiments & stuff when you prepare for the Mad Max future.


My fave antique food reviewer

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Oh, I think when you’re near starvation even bland food will be ecstatic.

One thing that always bothered me about Mad Max/Road Warrior-- they spend all this time in the desert fighting over petroleum, not food or water. I guess they had a huge stockpile of Dinki Di meat and veggies somewhere that kept them all sated, and a nice deep well full of good water.

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