Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2021/01/09/hannity-debunks-menacing-twitter-joke-about-his-olive-garden-pasta-pass.html
Hopefully, we can move pasta this soon.
Bravo! Encore! Encore!
From what reward program should Tucker have his privileges revoked?
I mean, it was a slow news day so they needed to fill the airtime, amirite?
No accounting, I guess…
Customer Loyalty program at whichever dry cleaner does his white robes.
No doubt very soon, sir. We have a team of agents working right now on deciphering the sauce codes.
Good, we need to put an al dente in their ne-fennel-ous plans, before they mushroom out of control.
Silly kerfuffle aside, Cooper should have known better. and it was classism, and he clearly is disconnected from middle America.
Mr Cooper, the right thing to do now is to get thyself to an Olive Garden and eat no less than 5 bowls of unlimited pasta. This is not a joke.
That’s gonna be a problem at Olive Garden.
Probably not. Once someone has lit the fusilli and the cannelloni of worms is opened, it is had to get get it all back in the penne.
Olive Garden is not on my list of favorite places to eat. If I want a microwave heated frozen meal I can go to the grocery store and buy one there. Besides, packaged grocery pasta is cheap, and I don’t have to put up with wait staff who are only present when you don’t need them. If OG is a favorite of Hannity, I won’t ever be back.
Intentional anagram?
Nope. But well caught!
Yep. OG truly suck.
Hmm, bottomless alfredo might explain why Hannity always looks like a Kewpie doll suffering a fatal stroke while straining at stool
This is probably the first time that Hannity has accurately used the phrase “fake news”.
That’s using your noodle.