What if we limited the number of white men in film and TV?

I’m all for Richard Ayoade as the Doctor, actually. I love Idris Elba, but I just think that Ayoade seems more Doctorish to me.


My sentence structure is going to hell due to dyslexia, reading, living, and working in non English, and sleep deprivation. The last one leaves me posting on BB when I cant sleep.

As for Jews as non white, I suppose it is hard for those with historical awareness to let ourselves be grouped with what has pretty much been a genocide, rape, and violence machine rather than a mass of humanity. I don’t hate white people but I fear what some of them have risen up and historically done to us every generation or two through history.

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Look, if the argument you are making is that Jews in America (assimilated Jews, at least) benefit from white privilege, I think that’s a fine one to make. If you want to argue along the lines that the Holocaust has been used as a political football since the 60s, again, you’re on good footing, because there has been plenty of work on that front (just check out anything by Norman Finkelstein, who actually lost tenure because of his critique of the occupation - he’s now a jew who can’t return to the Jewish homeland).

But the point your missing about the Jews is that they have been incorporated into “whiteness” relatively recently, like far later than the Irish or Italians. And once again, that comes at the cost of assimilation. And they are still subject to stereotypes (both positive and negative) and at times anti-semitism (in Europe this has lately been imagined as being from solely the Muslim community, but the hard right still doesn’t like the Jews, frankly).

Maybe I misunderstood your original point in the other thread about privilege, but maybe you can be a bit clearer about what you mean when you talk about Jewish Americans and white privilege. Because stereotyping them as a powerful group who have a fair amount of control over the culture could easily slip into Protocols territory. And I don’t understand why you’re talking about the Jews as opposed to any other group.


I think this is historically new and is also dependent upon the branch of Judaism. Orthodox Jews and Hasidim consciously construct lives that do not really fit in with what we’d consider “mainstream America”. It’s similar to the amish, who live in communities that are shaped by their faith. Conservative and reform Jews tend to be more assimilated into American life, where religion is important, but an add on, rather than the whole ball of wax.

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I hope this is sarcasm. Otherwise, you’re saying black lives don’t matter.

I just get this mental image of most of society hanging around in a waiting room or something: “so, what’s up?” “Nothing, you?” “Eh, not much. I saw a squirrel yesterday”. Meanwhile, through the window you can see white guys running around doing cool, important stuff.


And some might argue that they decided to do that after coming to the US from Europe based on their experiences of pogroms, legal shennigans, and outright hatred in the old country (and the less than glowing reception many got here when they arrived).

Assimilate or ELSE!


I’ve got an either crazier idea: rather than creating rules to restrict casting choices in order to force diversity (a.k.a. censoring) why don’t more blacks/women/minorities create their own entertainment the way they want it?

Where? On Youtube? Otherwise, they need this thing we call “money” and then the networks, channels, etc. to allow it on.


I’m not responsible for your economic status & you’re not responsible for mine. Oprah Winfrey was born into poverty, but look at her now. Youtube might make for a good start, since there’s no start-up cost.

It’s good that you can tell woman and minorities what they should be doing.


Umm yeah. Maybe I should have added a few more exclamation points to make my ridiculous point more evidently sarcastic :smile:

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I haven’t said what they should be doing, but I have said that they shouldn’t be trying to censor people into getting more representation.

Which is, again, telling them what they should be doing.

They aren’t censoring anyone, are they?

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Did you even read the article, or just the headline?


“I don’t hate white people but I fear what some of them have risen up and historically done to us…”
Again, semantics, but is it white people, or people of different religions? Quakers, for example, are historically white, and they were involved in some aid to Jewish refugees in Germany, while many historical attacks on Jews were perpetuated by Middle Easterners who would not necessarily be classified as “white” today, as I’m sure you know.

“let ourselves be grouped with what has pretty much been a genocide, rape, and violence machine rather than a mass of humanity”
Um…you’re saying that whites are “a genocide, rape, and violence machine” with which you do not care to be associated? Sounds like you do hate whomever’s in the group you personally classify as white.


Well, I’ll stop telling them what they should be doing when they stop telling me what I should be doing.

[quote=“albill, post:277, topic:55360”]They aren’t censoring anyone, are they?[/quote]If I create a creative work based on my own tastes and preferences and others decide that my work isn’t appropriate because it doesn’t meet their desired standards or quotas, forcing me to change my work it’s censorship. It’s the definition of censorship.

Yes, I mentioned Orthodox-ism (is that a word?) in my post, and that particular bit of the conversation was about current society.

“…[if] others decide that my work isn’t appropriate because it doesn’t meet their desired standards or quotas, forcing me to change my work it’s censorship.”
How is questioning mainstream entertainment “forcing” the makers to change? There’s no jail time or actual censorship involved. I’ve never heard of a tv show or movie being pulled from circulation because it had too many white guys in it.


I remember now: “Orthodoxy.”