Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2017/12/19/what-is-the-2018-world-chess-c.html
Check… annnd… Mate.
I love that it looks like it was made on a late 80s Mac with pattern fills.
What is the context of that Betty and Veronica image? Porn spoof? Innocent unless taken out of context?
Mandatory link:
You’d be kicked out of harlequin school for wearing patterns that gaudy.
OMG, Beronica is one of my biggest ships, and I’ve never seen that image. So thanks for that!
I want to play Tantric Chess.
Well, kudos for the Photoshopper getting everything right to make it look like a printed page.
“You’ve seen one crowded, polluted, stinking town logo…”
(I have most of that musical memorized so I’m trying hard not to completely geek out.)
I wouldn’t call the panel “edited” so much as “corrected”.
Can a city that’s been the center of Western Civilization for nearly a millennial be considered “trendy?”
Is that what we’re calling middle-aged people now?
Haha beat me to it
Wait. Are the chess players in the logo fucking? Sorry, I mean, engaging in sexual intercourse?
It’s fucking chess, not actual fucking, people. Make the distinction and you’ll enjoy your life a little bit more maybe?
Are you trying to inform the smartest people in the world about something? Don’t waste your breath. Surely they already know.
[Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei]
They’re not even really playing chess, now are they, with just that one pawn on the board?
Make love, not war.
Um… that Betty and Veronica panel makes me feel funny…